Damien Chablat

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Cette page regroupe des compléments d'information associés à publication d'article en revue.

Cinématique de la machine Verne / Kinematic Analysis of the Verne machine

Kanaan D., Wenger P. et Chablat D., “Kinematic Analysis of a Serial – Parallel Machine Tool: the VERNE machine”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 44(2), February 2009, pp. 487-498 (hal-00342928).

Web page

Analyse des robots 3-RPR cuspidaux / Cusp point and 3-RPR parallel robots

Moroz G., Rouiller F., Chablat D., Wenger P., “On the determination of cusp points of 3-RPR parallel manipulators”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 45 (11), November 2010, doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2010.06.016 (hal-00545502).

Web page

Flambement de structure robotique / Buckling animation of serial robots

Pashkevich A, Klimchick A., Chablat D., “Enhanced stiffness modeling of manipulators with passive joints”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, à paraître 2011.

Web page