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Jean-Marie Mottu

Associate Professor in Computer Science at University of Nantes
Teaching at Computer Departement of IUT de Nantes

Research Team NaoMod of LS2N lab
hosted at IMT Atlantique - DAPI
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Since 2017, I've been a member of the research team NaoMod, part of the LS2N Lab, located at IMT Atlantique.

I spent the period 2015/2017 in the INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique research center (secondment). I belonged to the research team Atlanmodels.

Between 2009 and 2015, I was a member of the research team AeLoS (Coloss/Modal), part of the Lina Lab.

My research focuses on the reliable development of software, in that purpose I study model driven engineering and testing methods.


2022 - 2026: RODIC
2019 - 2022: LOWCOMOTE (coordinated by our research team @IMT Atlantique) - European Project H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018: Lowcomote is an international project aiming at training 15 PhD students, with the potential to become the leaders of tomorrow engineering of low-code development platforms.\\ I'm in charge of the WP6 and the main advisor of one ESR.
2017: DIZOLO (INRIA - Simula lab) - PHC Aurora mobility grant 2017: Design Space Exploration in Cyber-physical Systems Operating under Uncertainty

PhD Students

2019 - 202x:
Faezeh Khorram, Cloud-Based Testing Workbench for Low-Code Engineering.
Co-advisor with Gerson Sunye, Erwan Bousse.
2017 - 2021:
Thibault Béziers la Fosse, A Model-Driven Framework for Dynamic Program Analysis in Cyber-Physical Systems.
Co-advisor with Massimo Tisi, Jérôme Rocheteau, Gerson Sunye.
Imad Berrouyne, Live Verification and Validation in Model-Driven Engineering for Internet of Things.
Co-advisor with Massimo Tisi, Medhi Adda (UCAC, Canada), Jean-Claude Royer.
2014 - 2017: Michel Albonico, Controlling Cloud-Based Systems for Elasticity Testing.
Co-advisor with Gerson Sunye.
2010 - 2013: Olivier Finot, Oracles du test de transformations de modeles
Co-advisor with Christian Attiogbe and Gerson Sunye.

Short Biography

The subject of my previous work was validation of model transformations in the context of model-driven engineering. The aim was to develop, evaluate, and apply testing methodologies to validate model transformations in Model-Driven Engineering.

From December 2008 to August 2009, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at INRIA in Lille (France) within the DaRT project-team.

I defended my PhD thesis the 26th of November, 2008, for a dissertation entitled :

"Oracles and qualification of model transformation testing"
"Oracles et qualification du test de transformations de modèles"

I was a PhD student at IRISA in the Triskell team, under the supervision of Yves Le Traon and Benoit Baudry.


  • President:
    • Olivier RIDOUX, Professeur, Université de Rennes 1
  • Reviewers:
    • Jean-Luc DEKEYSER, Professeur, Université de Lille 1
    • Christian PERCEBOIS, Professeur, Univertsité de Toulouse 3
  • Examiners:
    • Yves LE TRAON, Professeur, TELECOM Bretagne
    • Benoit BAUDRY, INRIA Researcher
    • Jean-Marc JEZEQUEL, Professeur, Université de Rennes 1

Summary :
In Model Driven Engineering, models are high-level representations to produce software systems. They are processed by model transformations that automate development steps leading to a complete executable system. In this doctoral study, we make contributions to model transformation testing. Testing such model transformations for correctness presents some new challenges. First, we adapt mutation analysis to model transformations in order to qualify fault detecting effectiveness of a set of test models by considering model transformation specific faults. Second, we propose a set of functions to express test oracles for detecting faults in a transformation. We evaluate them regarding the complexity and reuse of model transformations. Finally, we integrate our techniques in tools that are used to develop reliable model transformation components and to assist in further model transformation testing studies.

Keywords :
Model-Driven Engineering, Model transformation, Test, Oracle, Qualification, Contracts.

My thesis work was supported by an MENRT grant and it is part of the RNTL project DOMINO.

In 2006, I spent a month in Colorado State University to work with Robert France and Sudipto Ghosh on model transformation testing. That was related to the collaboration MATT between the Software Assurance Lab from CSU and the Triskell team at IRISA.

I received a M.Sc. and an engineering degree in computer science from the University of Rennes 1 in 2005 (IFSIC).