univ-nantes iut-nantes LS2N IMTA
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Jean-Marie Mottu

Associate Professor in Computer Science at University of Nantes
Teaching at Computer Departement of IUT de Nantes

Research Team NaoMod of LS2N lab
hosted at IMT Atlantique - DAPI
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Paper "Using Meta-model Coverage to Qualify Test Oracles", workshop AMT'13
Article resources

Paper "Partial Test Oracle in Model Transformation Testing", conference ICMT'13
Article resources

Paper "Discovering Model Transformation Pre-conditions using Automatically Generated Test Models", conference ISSRE'15
Experiment material

I take part in the developments made during the thesis of the PhD students I'm advising (e.g. EEL, cyprIoT, XTDL, Lowcomotive)

I took part in the development of COSTO: a Language and a Platform to Specify and Verify Component and Service Software.

I took part in the development of Kermeta.