
Liste complète de publications

Publications les plus citées :

Systèmes non linéaires en temps continu

G. Conte, C.H. Moog et A.M. Perdon. Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems. Springer, 2nd edition, 2007, Londres, Grande-Bretagne, Communications and Control Engineering,
Edition slovaque
G. Conte, C. Moog et A.M. Perdon. Riadenie nelinearnych systemov : algebricky pristup. Slovenska technik univerzita v Bratislave, 2001, Bratislava, Slovaquie, ISBN 80-227-1490-9.
Edition chinoise
G. Conte, C.H. Moog et A.M. Perdon. 非线性控制系统的代数方法, Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems. Science Press, 2013, Beijing, China, ISBN 978-7-03-038121-7,
X. Xia et C.H. Moog. Identifiability of nonlinear systems with application to HIV/AIDS models. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Fevrier, 2003, 48, (2). Pages:330-336.
J. Descusse et C. Moog. Decoupling with Dynamic Compensation for Strong Invertible Affine Non Linear Systems. International Journal of Control, 1985, 42, (6). Pages:1387--1398.
E. Aranda-Bricaire, C.H. Moog et J.B. Pomet. A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Feedback Linearization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Janvier, 1995, 40, (1). Pages:127--132.
A. Glumineau, C.H. Moog et F. Plestan. New algebro-geometric conditions for the inearization by input-output injection. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Avril, 1996, 41, (4). Pages:598--603.
M.D. Di Benedetto, J.W. Grizzle et C. Moog. Rank Invariants for Nonlinear Systems. SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 1989, 27, (3). Pages:658--672.
J. Descusse et C. Moog. Dynamic Decoupling for Right-Invertible Nonlinear Systems. Systems and Control Letters, Mars, 1987, 8, (4). Pages:345--349.
C.H. Moog. Nonlinear Decoupling and Structure at Infinity. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 1998, 1, (3). Pages:257--268.
C. Moog, A.M. Perdon et G. Conte. Model Matching and Factorization for Nonlinear Systems : a Structural Approach. SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 1991, 29, (4). Pages:769--785.
A. Glumineau et C. Moog. Essential Orders and Nonlinear Decoupling. International Journal of Control, 1989, 50, (5). Pages:1825--1834.
M.T. Angulo, A. Aparicio and C.H. Moog, Structural accessibility and structural observability of nonlinear networked systems, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Jul.-Sep. 2020, vol. 7 (3), pp. 1656-1666.
A. Glumineau, M. Hamy, C. Lanier et C. Moog. Robust Control of a Brushless Servo Motor via Sliding Modes Techniques. International Journal on Control, 1993, 58, Pages:979--990.
G. Conte, C.H. Moog et A.M. Perdon. Un Théorème sur la Représentation Entrée-Sortie d'un Système Non Linéaire. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sciences Paris, Ser. I, 1988, 307, Pages:363--366.
C. Califano and C.H. Moog, The Observer Error Linearization Problem via Dynamic Compensation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59, 9 (2014), pp. 2502–2508, 10.1109/TAC.2014.2308606
R. Andiarti et C.H. Moog. Output feedback disturbance decoupling in nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Novembre, 1996, 41, (11). Pages:1683--1689.
H.J.C. Huijberts, C. Moog et R. Pothin. Input-output decoupling of nonlinear systems by static measurement feedback. Systems and Control Letters, 2000, 39, Pages:109-114.
X. Xia et C. Moog. Disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback for SISO nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1999, 44, (7). Pages:1425-1429.
J.F. Zhang, C.H. Moog, et X. Xia, Realization of multivariable nonlinear systems via the approaches of differential forms and differential algebra, Kybernetika, vol. 46, N° 5 (2010) pp. 799-830.

Systèmes non linéaires en temps discret

E. Aranda-Bricaire et C.H. Moog. Linearization of discrete-time systems by exogenous dynamic feedback. Automatica, Juillet, 2008, 44, (7). Pages:1707-1717. Regular paper.
E. Aranda-Bricaire, U. Kotta et C.H. Moog. Linearization of discrete-time systems. SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 1996, 34, (6). Pages:1999--2023.

Systèmes non linéaires à retards

C. Califano, et C.H. Moog. Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems A Geometric Approach. SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2021, Springer,
C.H. Moog, R. Castro-Linares, M. Velasco-Villa et L.A. Marquez-Martinez. The Disturbance Decoupling Problem for Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2000, 45, (2). Pages:305-309.
L.A. Marquez-Martinez et C. Moog. Input-output feedback linearization of Time-Delay Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2004, Pages:781-786. vol. 49, no. 5, May 2004.
X. Xia, L.A. Marquez-Martinez, P. Zagalak et C. Moog. Analysis of nonlinear time-delay systems using modules over non-commutative rings. Automatica, Septembre, 2002, 38, (9). Pages:1549-1555.
L.A. Marquez-Martinez, C. Moog et M. Velasco-Villa. Observability and observers for nonlinear systems with time delays. Kybernetika, 2002, 38, (4). Pages:445-456.
C. Califano, L.A. Marquez-Martinez et C.H. Moog, Extended Lie brackets for nonlinear time-delay systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56, 9 (2011), pp. 2213-2218.
J. Zhang, X. Xia et C. Moog. Parameter Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Delay. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2006, 51, Pages:371 - 375.
L. A. Marquez Martinez et C. H. Moog. New insights on the analysis of nonlinear time-delay systems: Application to the triangular equivalence . Systems and Control Letters, Fevrier, 2007, 56, (2). Pages:133-140.
C. Califano and C.H. Moog, Accessibility on nonlinear time-delay systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62, 3, (2017), Regular Paper, pp. 1254-1268.
A. Garate-Garcia, L.A. Marquez-Martinez et C.H. Moog, Equivalence of linear time-delay systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56, 3 (2011), pp. 666-670.
C. Califano, L.A. Marquez Martinez and C.H. Moog, Linearization of time-delay systems by input-output injection and output transformation, Automatica, Volume 49, Issue 6, June 2013, Pages 1932–1940.
[72] A. Kaldmäe, C. Califano and C.H. Moog, Integrability for nonlinear time-delay systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61, 7 (2016), pp. 1912-1917.
C. Califano and C.H. Moog, Observability of nonlinear time-delay systems and its application to their state realization, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Oct. 2020, vol. 4 (4), pp. 803-808. ;
E. Garcia-Ramirez, C.H. Moog, C. Califano and L.A. Marquez-Martinez, Linearization via input-output injection of time delay systems, International J. Control, 89, 6 (2016), pp. 1125-1136.
S.J. Li, C.H. Moog et C. Califano, “Characterization of accessibility for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems”, 50th IEEE CDC, Orlando, FL, USA, 2011, pp. 1068 - 1073. DOI : 10.1109/CDC.2011.6160906


N. Magdelaine, L. Chaillous, I. Guilhem, J.Y. Poirier, M. Krempf, C.H. Moog and E. Le Carpentier, A Long-term Model of the Glucose-Insulin Dynamics of Type I Diabetes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 62, n° 6, pp. 1546-1552, June 2015, ;
T. MohammadRidha, M. Aït-Ahmed, L. Chaillous, M. Krempf, I. Guilhem, J.Y. Poirier, and C.H. Moog, Model free iPID control for glycemia regulation of type 1 diabetes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65, 1, jan 2018, pp. 199-206.
P.S. Rivadeneira, C.H. Moog, Observability criteria for impulsive control systems with applications to biomedical engineering systems, Automatica, May 2015, 55, pp. 125-131.
P.S. Rivadeneira et C.H. Moog, Impulsive control of single-input nonlinear systems with application to HIV dynamics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 17(2012), pp. 8462-8474,
M. J. Mhawej, C.H. Moog, F. Biafore et C. Brunet-François, Control of the HIV infection and drug dosage, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 5 (2010) pp. 45-52
A.H. Gonzalez, P.S. Rivadeneira, A. Ferramosca, N. Magdelaine and C.H. Moog, Stable Impulsive Zone MPC for Type 1 Diabetic Patients based on a long-term model, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Nov.-Dec. 2020, vol. 41 (6), pp. 2115-2136.
H. J. Chang, C.H. Moog, A. Astolfi et P.S. Rivadeneira, A control systems analysis of HIV prevention model using impulsive input, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 13, 2014, pp. 123-131.
D. A. Ouattara, M.J. Mhawej et C.H. Moog. Clinical tests of therapeutical failures based on mathematical modeling of the HIV infection. Joint issue of IEEE Transactions on CAS I and IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control on Systems Biology, Janvier, 2008, 53, Pages: 230 - 241.
A.H. Gonzalez,  P.S. Rivadeneira, A. Ferramosca, N. Magdelaine, C.H. Moog, “Impulsive Zone MPC for Type I Diabetic Patients Based on a Long-Term Model ”, 20th IFAC WC, Toulouse, July 2017, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017, 50, (1), pp. 14729-14734,
N. Magdelaine, P.S. Rivadeneira, L. Chaillous, A.L. Fournier-Guilloux, M. Krempf, T. MohammadRidha, M. Aït-Ahmed and C.H. Moog, The Hypoglycaemia-Free Artificial Pancreas Project, IET Systems Biology, Feb. 2020, vol. 14, pp. 16-23.
K. Menani, T. MohammadRidha, N. Magdelaine, M. Abdelaziz, and C.H. Moog, Positive sliding mode control for blood glucose regulation, Int. J. Systems Science, 48, 15, (2017), pp. 3267-3278.

Mécanique et Robotique

J.W. Grizzle, C.H. Moog et C. Chevallereau. Nonlinear Control of Mechanical Systems with an Unactuated Cyclic Variable. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, May 2005, Pages:559 - 576. VOL. 50.
L. Cambrini, C. Chevallereau, C. Moog et R. Stojic. Stable trajectory tracking for biped robots. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2000, Sydney, Australie, Pages:4815-4820.
S. Celikovsky, J. Zikmund et C.H. Moog. Partial exact linearization design for the Acrobot walking. American Control Conference, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA, IEEE, pp. 874-879.
D. Maalouf, C.H. Moog, Y. Aoustin and S.J. Li, Classification of two-degree-of-freedom underactuated mechanical systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 25 June 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 10, pp. 1501–1510.