

Topic: Electric motorcycles and road safety

Partners: Université Gustave Eiffel (SATIE, leader), IBISC, Pertech, Ergocentre, Gendarmerie Nationale

Funding: ANR

My Role: Leader of the "Visual strategies analysis" work package

Topic: Individual determinants of takeover performance in an automated vehicle

Partners: Université Gustave Eiffel (PICS-L, leader)

Funding: Délégation à la Sécurité Routière

My Role: Participant

Topic: The experience of nature in virtual urban environments: analyses and applications to the design of sustainable urban projects

Partners: AAU (leader), LPPL

Funding: CNRS (80 Prime)

My Role: Co-leader of projet


Topic: Human inspired autonomous navigation in crowds

Partners: INRIA Grenoble (leader), INRIA Paris, LIG

Funding: ANR

My Role: Leader of the "passengers' estimation" work package

Topic: Cybernetic driver modelling for adapative haptic shared control of the steering wheel

Funding: RFI Atlanstic 2020

My Role: Principal investigator

Topic: Adaptation of the automation strategy of autonomous vehicles (levels 3 and 4) to the driver's needs and states

Partners: VEDECOM (leader), IFSTTAR (LESCOT and LBMC), LAMIH, LAB, PSA, Continental

Funding: ANR

My Role: Leader of work package 4 (Interaction) and task 3.4 (monitoring of gaze strategies)

Topic: Study of bend-taking behaviour of motorbike riders - application to training and intelligent transport systems

Partners: IFSTTAR (leader), IEF, IBISC, ENPC-Éditions, Gendarmerie Nationale

Funding: ANR

My Role: Leader of the "rider-motorcycle interaction and rider modelling" work package

Topic: Influence of the road cross-section on driver behavior in bends

Partners: IFSTTAR LEPSIS (leader) LS2N

Funding: Délégation à la Sécurité Routière

My Role: Participant

Topic: Identification of compensation processes while driving with a visual field defect

Partners: Clinique Sourdille

Funding: Fondation VISIO

My Role: Participant

Topic: Workshop of the future: A cooperative approach between material, information and ergonomics sciences

Partners: GeM (leader), CLARTE, LTN, CRINI, CERMA

Funding: Région Pays de la Loire

My Role: Leader of the Human-Machine Interaction work package

Topic: Platform of product/process virtual integration

Partners: AIRBUS Group (leader), AIRBUS, IRT Jules Verne

Funding: IRT Jules Verne

My Role: Leader of the Collaborative Virtual Environment work package

Topic: Designing simulator scenarios to understand and evaluate driving with a glaucoma

Partners: Clinique Sourdille

Funding: Société Française du Glaucome

My Role: Principal investigator

Topic: A sensorimotor approach of presence through the development of a motorbike simulator

Partners:  LEPSIS (leader), UFR STAPS Université Paris-Sud

Funding: Fondation Sécurité Routière

My Role: Participant

Topic: Shared control between driver and automation for a safe trajectory

Partners: LIVIC, CRPCC, ESAR, LESCOT, IBISC, Oktal, Renault

Funding: ANR/PREDIT, Vehicles for Terrestrial Transport program

My Role: Leader of the Driver Modelling work package


Topic: Human-machine cooperation for the prevention of lane departure

Partners: LIVIC, MSIS, UMR "Mouvement & Perception", Renault, PSA

Funding: ANR/PREDIT, Technology for Safety program

My Role: Principal investigator

Topic: Human factors issues in the development of lane keeping support systems

Partners:  Volvo (leader), Fiat, Delphi, Fraunhofer IVI, LIVIC, I-SENSE Group, Ford

Funding: European Union's Sixth Framework Programme

My Role: Subcontractor of LIVIC


Topic: Driving safety

Partners:  LIVIC (leader), about 50 partners

Funding: PREDIT

My Role: Participant

Topic: Behavioral adaptation to driving assistance

Partners:  LAB (GIE PSA - Renault)

Funding: PREDIT

My Role: Participant