[BMS14] |
Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey et Ocan Sankur.
Robust Reachability in Timed Automata and Games: A Game-based Approach.
In Theoretical Computer Science, 2014. Elsevier. |
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[BHL14] |
N. Bertrand, S. Haddad and E. Lefaucheux.
Foundation of Diagnosis and Predictability in Probabilistic Systems.
In FSTTCS'14, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2014.
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[JLR14b] |
Aleksandra Jovanović, Didier Lime, and Olivier H. Roux.
Integer Parameter Synthesis for Real-Time Systems.
In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2014. IEEE Computer Society Press. |
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[JLR14a] |
Didier Lime (with Aleksandra Jovanović and Olivier H. Roux),
Integer Parameter Synthesis for Timed Automata.
Invited talk at SynCoP'14. April 2014, Grenoble, France. Volume 145 of EPTCS |
[SBM14] |
Ocan Sankur, Patricia Bouyer et Nicolas Markey.
Shrinking Timed Automata.
In Information and Computation 234, pages 107-132, 2014. |
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[ORS14] |
Youssouf Oualhadj, Pierre-Alain Reynier and Ocan Sankur.
Probabilistic Robust Timed Games.
In CONCUR'14, LNCS 8704, pages 203-217, Springer 2014.
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[BFH+14] |
N. Bertrand, É. Fabre, S. Haar, S. Haddad and L. Hélouët.
Active diagnosis for probabilistic systems.
In FoSSaCS'14, LNCS 8412, pages 29-42. Springer, 2014 |
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[LMR13] |
Didier Lime, Claude Martinez and Olivier H. Roux.
Shrinking of time Petri nets.
In Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems - Theory and Applications (jDEDS), 23(4):419-438, 2013. Springer |
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[ABHH13] |
S. Akshay, N. Bertrand, S. Haddad and L. Hélouët.
The steady-state control problem for Markov decision processes.
In QEST'13, pages 290-304. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2013. |
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[AHJ13] |
Rouweida Abdallah, Loïc Hélouët and Claude Jard.
Distributed Implementation of Message Sequence Charts.
Software and System Modeling journal (SoSyM), 2013. |
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[SCH13] |
Sandie Balaguer, Thomas Chatain and Stefan Haar.
Building Occurrence Nets from Reveals Relations.
Fundamenta Informaticae 123(3), pages 245-272, 2013. |
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[BHJL13] |
Béatrice Bérard, Serge Haddad, Aleksandra Jovanović and Didier Lime.
Parametric Interrupt Timed Automata
In RP'13, LNCS 8169, pages 59-69, Springer 2013.
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[CJ13] |
Thomas Chatain and Claude Jard.
Back in Time Petri Nets.
In FORMATS'13, LNCS 8053, pages 91-105, Springer 2013.
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[HHMS13] |
Stefan Haar, Serge Haddad, Tarek Melliti, Stefan Schwoon.
Optimal Constructions for Active Diagnosis.
In FSTTCS'13, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2013.
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[JLR13b] |
Aleksandra Jovanovic, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux.
Synthesis of Bounded Integer Parameters for Parametric Timed Reachability Games.
In ATVA'13. LNCS 8172, pages 87-101, Springer, 2013.
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[JLR13a] |
Aleksandra Jovanović, Didier Lime, and Olivier H. Roux.
Integer Parameter Synthesis for Timed Automata.
In TACAS'13, LNCS 7795, pages 403-417, Springer 2012.
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[SBMR13] |
Ocan Sankur, Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey et Pierre-Alain Reynier.
Robust Controller Synthesis in Timed Automata.
In CONCUR'13, LNCS 8052, pages 546-560. Springer, 2013
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[AGHY13] |
S. Akshay, Blaise Genest, Loïc Hélouët, Shaofa Yang.
Symbolically bounding the drift in time-constrained MSC graphs.
In ICTAC'12, LNCS 7521, pages 1-15, Springer 2012.
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[CH13] |
Thomas Chatain and Stefan Haar.
A Canonical Contraction for Safe Petri Nets.
In PNSE'13, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 969, pages 25-39. 2013.
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[BMS13b] |
Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur.
Robustness in timed automata. Invited paper.
In RP'13, LNCS 8169, pages 1-18. Springer, 2013.
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[BMS13a] |
Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey et Ocan Sankur.
Robust Weighted Timed Automata and Games.
In FORMATS'13, LNCS 8053, pages 31-46. Springer, 2013.
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[FH13] |
E. Fraca and S. Haddad.
Complexity Analysis of Continuous Petri Nets.
In ICATPN'13, LNCS 7927, pages 170-189. Springer, 2013.
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[San13] |
Ocan Sankur.
Shrinktech: A Tool for the Robustness Analysis of Timed Automata.
In CAV'13, LNCS 8044, pages 1006-1012. Springer, 2013.
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[CBKT13] |
Maximilien Colange, Souheib Baarir, Fabrice Kordon and Yann Thierry-Mieg.
Towards Distributed Software Model-Checking Using Decision Diagrams.
In CAV'13, LNCS 8044, pages 1006-1012. Springer, 2013.
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[BBJM12] |
Patricia Bouyer, Thomas Brihaye, Marcin Jurdziński et Quentin Menet.
Almost-Sure Model-Checking of Reactive Timed Automata.
In QEST'12, pages 138-147. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2012.
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[JFLR12] |
Aleksandra Jovanović, Sébastien Faucou, Didier Lime, and Olivier H. Roux.
Real-Time Control with Parametric Timed Reachability Games.
In WODES'12, IFAC 2012.
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[AHJR12] |
S Akshay, Loïc Hélouët, Claude Jard, Pierre-Alain Reynier.
Robustness of time
Petri nets under guard enlargement.
In RP'12, LNCS 7550, pages 92-106, Springer 2012.
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[AHJ+12] |
S Akshay, Loïc Hélouët, Claude Jard, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux.
Robustness of Time Petri Nets under Architectural Constraints.
In FORMATS'12, LNCS 7595, pages 11-26, Springer 2012.
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[BHSS12] |
Béatrice Bérard, Serge Haddad, Mathieu Sassolas and Nathalie Sznajder.
Concurrent Games on VASS with Inhibition
In CONCUR'12, LNCS 7454, pages 39-52, Springer 2012. |
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[BCH12b] |
Sandie Balaguer and Thomas Chatain. Avoiding Shared Clocks in Networks of Timed Automata. In CONCUR'12, LNCS 7454, Springer 2012. |
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[BMS12] |
Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey et Ocan Sankur. Robust Reachability in Timed Automata: A Game-based Approach. In ICALP'12, LNCS 7392, pages 128-140. Springer, 2012. |
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[BCH12a] |
Sandie Balaguer, Thomas Chatain and Stefan Haar. A Concurrency Preserving Translation from Time Petri Nets to Networks of Timed Automata. In Formal Methods in System Design 40(3):330-355, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2012. |
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[AJ11] |
Rouweida Abdallah and Claude Jard.
An Experiment in Automatic Generation of Protocols from HMSCs.
In NOTERE'11, pp. 1-8, 2011.
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[BBBS11] |
Nathalie Bertrand, Patricia Bouyer, Thomas Brihaye et Amélie Stainer. Emptiness and Universality Problems in Timed Automata with Positive Frequency. In ICALP'11, LNCS 6756, pages 246-257. Springer, 2011. |
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[BMS11] |
Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey et Ocan Sankur. Robust Model-Checking of Timed Automata via Pumping in Channel Machines. In FORMATS'11, LNCS 6919, pages 97-112. Springer, 2011. |
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[BLM+11] | Patricia Bouyer, Kim G. Larsen, Nicolas Markey, Ocan Sankur et Claus Thrane. Timed automata can always be made implementable. In CONCUR'11, LNCS 6901, pages 76-91. Springer, 2011. |
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[SBM11] | Ocan Sankur, Patricia Bouyer et Nicolas Markey. Shrinking Timed Automata. In FSTTCS'11, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2011. |
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[Mar11] | Nicolas Markey. Robustness in Real-time Systems. In SIES'11, pages 28-34. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. |
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[San11] | Ocan Sankur. Untimed Language Preservation in Timed Systems. In MFCS'11, LNCS 6907, pages 556-567. Springer, 2011. |
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