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Research interests
I am mainly interested in timed formal models with applications, among others, to real-time embedded sytems. More specifically I work on:
- Timed automata and time Petri nets and their hybrid and parametric extensions
- (Parametric) model-checking
- Timed games (real-time control)
- Timed unfoldings
Here is a list of my publications
and the corresponding BibTex file.
Some of that information is also available at DBLP or Google Scholar.
I am involved in some software development:
- Romeo: A tool for the
simulation, model-checking and control of time Petri nets (see [GMLR05,LRST09]);
- Uppaal-Tiga: An extension of
Uppaal for the synthesis of real-time
controllers for systems modeled as timed game automata (see [CDF+05,BCD+07]);
- LaRA: A tool for Lazy Reachability in products of (timed) automata (see [JL16, JL17]).
I am currently involved in:
- Better Synthesis for Quantitative Underspecified Systems (BisoUS), 2023-2027, ANR PRC 2022, PI.
- Provable Mitigation of Side Channel through Parametric Verification (ProMiS), 2020-2023, ANR PRCI 2020.
Previously, I worked in the following projects:
- "Parametric Analysis of Concurrent Systems" (PACS, 2014-2019, ANR BLANC 2014),
- "Energy proportional and opportunistic computing systems" (EPOC, 2013-2017, Labex COMIN Labs),
- "Formal Approaches for Communicating Embedded Systems in Pays de la Loire" (AFSEC-PDL, 2013-2016, funded by the Pays de la Loire french region),
- "Implementability and Robustness of Timed Systems" (ImpRo, 2010-2014, ANR BLANC 2010, PI),
- "Distributed Open Timed Systems" (DOTS, 2006-2010, ANR SETI 2006),
- "Control and Observation of Real-Time Open Systems" (ACI CORTOS).
Ph.D. Students
- Louis-Marie Traonouez (2006-2009, with David Delfieu and Olivier H. Roux)
- Gilles Benattar (2007-2011, with Olivier H. Roux)
- Aleksandra Jovanović (2010-2013, with Olivier H. Roux)
- Adrien Quillet (2013-2014, with Audrey Queudet)
- Nicolas David (2014-2017, with Claude Jard)
- Mathias Ramparison (2016-2019, with Étienne André)
- Bastien Sérée (since 2018, with Loïg Jezequel)
- Peidong Zhang (since 2019, with Loïg Jezequel)
- Loriane Leclercq (since 2021, with Olivier H. Roux)
- Anthony Spriet(since 2022, with Olivier H. Roux)
I am teaching at École Centrale
de Nantes on the following topics:
- Language Theory and Compiling
- Advanced algorithmics
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Artificial Intelligence
And previously on:
- Functional programming (Haskell)
- Operating systems
- Algorithmics and Programming (C)
- Object-oriented Programming (Java and C++)
- Real-time systems
I used to be teaching Formal Modelling and Verification in the Master CORO ERTS.
A long time ago, I also used to teach at IMT Atlantique (then École des
Mines de Nantes) on:
- Operating systems and networks
- Functional programming (Haskell)
Useful links
Events in which I am/was involved