
Didier Lime

Full Professor
Head of the Systems Design and Operation (CCS) research division
Supervisor of the Computer Science for AI track of the generalist engineering degree
Address: École Centrale de NantesLS2N
1 rue de la Noë - B.P. 92101
44321 Nantes Cedex 3, France
Tel: +33 2 55 58 91 80
Fax: +33 2 40 37 69 30
Email: pas-de-spam.Didier.Lime@ec-nantes.fr (remove "pas-de-spam.")

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Research interests

I am mainly interested in timed formal models with applications, among others, to real-time embedded sytems. More specifically I work on:


Here is a list of my publications and the corresponding BibTex file. Some of that information is also available at DBLP or Google Scholar.


I am involved in some software development:


I am currently involved in:

Previously, I worked in the following projects:

Ph.D. Students


I am teaching at École Centrale de Nantes on the following topics:

And previously on:

I used to be teaching Formal Modelling and Verification in the Master CORO ERTS.

A long time ago, I also used to teach at IMT Atlantique (then École des Mines de Nantes) on:

Useful links

Events in which I am/was involved
