École Centrale de Nantes - LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004)
1, rue de la Noë
B.P. 92101
44 321 Nantes Cedex 3
I am involved in the activities of the "Execution supports" axis. These activities are related to the Trampoline Real Time Operating System (RTOS). This RTOS is OSEK/VDX and AUTOSAR 4 compliant and distributed under an open source licence (available on GitHub).
The development of Trampoline started in 2005. The development was made possible through various projects (ANR, FUI). It is a static RTOS with multicore support that targets teaching, research and industrial valorisation.
This topic is about transient computing platform for IoT end devices. These IoT systems do not have batteries (pollution problem, limited lifetime), but instead use a small energy buffer (supercap) and an energy harvester. The challenge is to adapt the execution for intermittent operation, where power failures are part of the nominal operation of the application. It is necessary to make the best possible use of available resources and to ensure the forward progress of the application. This work is performed in project Cominlabs NOP.
This topic focuses on the implementation of online verification systems. They have been implemented in fault tolerance mechanisms, through the addition of hardware monitors (FPGA). These monitors check at runtime the control flow of an application running on the Trampoline RTOS. Currently, this work is focused on the detection of attacks on a RISC-V processor through the project ANR SEC-V.
I am teaching at École Centrale de Nantes, mainly in Energy Control and Management option and in Embedded Systems specialised engineering programme. Main teaching topics: