@inproceedings{Laroche18, author = {Ewen Carcreff and Nans Laroche and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Aroune Duclos}, title = {Une approche inverse pour l'imagerie ultrasonore par focalisation en tout point}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }14e Congr\`es Fran\c cais d'Acoustique}, year = {2018}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Le Havre, France}, anote = {26 april, 2018} }
@inproceedings{Jiang17, author = {Qianyi Jiang and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and Guylaine Collewet}, title = {Optimisation it\'erative par majoration-minimisation pour l'estimation statistique sous l'hypoth\`se d'un bruit ricien}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }26{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2017}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, anote = {5-8 septembre 2017} }
@inproceedings{Jiang17b, author = {Qianyi Jiang and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and Guylaine Collewet and Mai Xu}, title = {Majorization-Minimization Algorithms for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Images}, booktitle = {International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA)}, year = {2017}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, anote = {28 nov - 1er dec 2017} }
@conference{Labouesse17a, author = {Simon Labouesse and Awoke Negash and J\'er\^ome Idier and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Thomas Mangeat and Penghuan Liu and Anne Sentenac and Marc Allain}, title = {Fast reconstruction in blind fluorescence structured illumination microscopy}, booktitle = {OSA Conference: Imaging and Applied Optics}, pages = {MM3C.2}, year = {2017}, month = {{J}une}, address = {San Francisco, CA}, web = {web}, url = {http://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?URI=MATH-2017-MM3C.2}, doi = {10.1364/MATH.2017.MM3C.2}, anote = {San Francisco, 26–29 June 2017} }
@inproceedings{Levilly17, author = {S\'ebastien Levilly and J\'er\^ome Idier and F\'elicien Bonnefoy and David Le Touz\'e and Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and Jean-Michel Serfaty}, title = {Filtrage spatio-temporel en {IRM} de flux sanguin {4D}}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }26{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2017}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, anote = {5-8 septembre 2017} }
@conference{Levilly17b, author = {S\'ebastien Levilly and J\'er\^ome Idier and F\'elicien Bonnefoy and David Le Touz\'e and Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and Jean-Michel Serfaty}, title = {Spatio-temporal filtering of blood flow in {4D} Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging}, organization = {29th SMRA Annual International Conference}, address = {Stellenbosch, South Africa}, year = {2017}, month = {{S}ep.}, anote = {4-6 oct}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Liu17, author = {Penghuan Liu and J\'er\^ome Idier and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Simon Labouesse and Marc Allain and Anne Sentenac}, title = {Minimum contrast estimation for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy using speckle patterns}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }26{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2017}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, anote = {5-8 septembre 2017} }
@inproceedings{Nguyen17, author = {Thanh T. Nguyen and Charles Soussen and J\'er\^ome Idier and El-Hadi Djermoune}, title = {An optimized version of non-negative {OMP}}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }26{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2017}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, anote = {5-8 septembre 2017} }
@inproceedings{Labouesse16, author = {Simon Labouesse and Marc Allain and J\'er\^ome Idier and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Awoke Negash and Penghuan Liu and Anne Sentenac}, title = {Fluorescence blind structured illumination microscopy: {A} new reconstruction strategy}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {2016}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, pages = {3166--3170}, doi = {10.1109/ICIP.2016.7532943} }
@conference{Labouesse16a, author = {Simon Labouesse and J\'er\^ome Idier and Penghuan Liu and Marc Allain and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Anne Sentenac}, title = {Super-resolution capacity of imagers using random illuminations}, booktitle = {OSA Conference: Imaging and Applied Optics}, year = {2016}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Heidelberg, Germany}, pages = {MTh1H.5}, web = {web}, url = {http://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?URI=MATH-2016-MTh1H.5}, anote = {25-28 July, Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg}, doi = {10.1364/MATH.2016.MTh1H.5} }
@conference{Liu16, author = {Penghuan Liu and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Marc Allain and Simon Labouesse and Anne Sentenac}, title = {A marginal image reconstruction approach in fluorescence microscopy with pseudo-random illumination patterns}, booktitle = {OSA Conference: Imaging and Applied Optics}, year = {2016}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Heidelberg, Germany}, pages = {MTh1H.3}, web = {web}, url = {http://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?URI=MATH-2016-MTh1H.3}, doi = {10.1364/MATH.2016.MTh1H.3}, anote = {25-28 July, Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg} }
@conference{Negash16a, author = {Awoke Negash and Simon Labouesse and Anne Sentenac and Hugues Giovannini and Kamal Belkebir and Marc Allain and J\'er\^ome Idier and Rainer Heintzmann and Patrick C. Chaumet and Nicolas Sandeau}, title = {Separate deconvolution for three-dimensional speckle imaging fluorescence microscopy}, booktitle = {OSA Conference: Imaging and Applied Optics}, pages = {MTh1H.2}, year = {2016}, month = {{J}uly}, web = {web}, address = {Heidelberg, Germany}, url = {http://www.osa.org/en-us/meetings/osa_meetings/imaging_and_applied_optics/mathematics_in_imaging}, anote = {25-28 July, Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg} }
@inproceedings{Carcreff15, author = {Ewen Carcreff and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Aroune Duclos and Laurent Simon and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Detection of Flat Bottom Holes Using Sparse Deconvolution}, booktitle = {Physics Procedia (Proceedings of the 2015 {ICU} International Congress on Ultrasonics, Metz, France)}, volume = {70}, pages = {558--561}, year = {2015}, month = {{M}ay}, note = {Proceedings of the 2015 {ICU} International Congress on Ultrasonics, Metz, France}, issn = {1875-3892}, doi = {10.1016/j.phpro.2015.08.019}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875389215007609} }
@inproceedings{Duan15, author = {Junbo Duan and Charles Soussen and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yu-Ping Wang and Mingxi Wan}, title = {An Optimal Method to Segment Piecewise {P}oisson Distributed Signals with Application to Sequencing Data}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference of the {E}ngineering in {M}edicine and {B}iology {S}ociety}}, year = {2015}, month = {{A}ug.}, address = {Milan, Italy} }
@inproceedings{Friedrich15, author = {Corentin Friedrich and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {Faster Resolution of the {3-D} Forward Problems in Microwave Imaging by a Partial-Block {BiCGStab} Algorithm [Finalist to the {EuCAP 2015 Propagation Best Paper Award}]}, booktitle = {EuCAP}, year = {2015}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, note = {The 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 12-17 APRIL 2015}, anote = {Finalist to the EuCAP 2015 Propagation Best Paper Award} }
@inproceedings{Girard15, author = {Alexandre Girard and Nicolas Paul and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Estimation de m\'elanges de lois : \'evolution du {K-P}roduit vers le crit\`ere {KP}-log}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }25{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2015}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Lyon, France} }
@inproceedings{Kumar15, author = {Neeraj Kumar and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and David Brie}, title = {Impact Of Sparse Representation On The Admissible Solutions Of Spectral Unmixing By Non-Negative Matrix Factorization}, booktitle = {Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (IEEE WHISPERS)}, year = {2015}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Tokyo, Japan}, anote = {2-5 June 2015} }
@inproceedings{Labouesse15, author = {Simon Labouesse and Marc Allain and J\'er\^ome Idier and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Penghuan Liu and Anne Sentenac}, title = {Blind fluorescence structured illumination microscopy: {A} new reconstruction strategy}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }25{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2015}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Lyon, France} }
@inproceedings{Moussaoui15, author = {Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and Maxime Legendre}, title = {{M}\'ethodes de points int\'erieurs pour des probl\`emes de grande taille}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }25{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2015}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Lyon, France} }
@inproceedings{Picaud15a, author = {Julien Picaud and Guylaine Collewet and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Correction of {RF} inhomogeneities for high throughput water and fat quantification by {MRI}}, booktitle = {5th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA)}, year = {2015}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Orl\'eans, France}, pages = {}, anote = {November 10-13, 2015} }
@inproceedings{Amhaz14, author = {Rabih Amhaz and Sylvie Chambon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Vincent Baltazart}, title = {A new minimal path selection algorithm for automatic crack detection on pavement images}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {2014}, month = {{O}ct.}, address = {Paris, France}, anote = {27-30 oct 2014} }
@inproceedings{Carcreff14a, author = {Ewen Carcreff and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Laurent Simon}, title = {Contr\^ole non destructif des mat\'eriaux att\'enuants et dispersifs par d\'econvolution impulsionnelle}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }12e Congr\`es Fran\c cais d'Acoustique}, year = {2014}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Poitiers, France}, anote = {22-25 april, 2014} }
@conference{Idier14a, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Algorithmes d'optimisation appliqu\'es \`a la r\'esolution de probl\`emes inverses}, address = {Toulouse, France}, organization = {CNES-CCT}, year = {2014}, month = {{D}ec.}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Legendre14, author = {Maxime Legendre and Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Primal-dual interior-point optimization based on majorization-minimization for edge-preserving spectral unmixing}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {2014}, month = {{O}ct.}, address = {Paris, France}, anote = {27-30 oct 2014} }
@conference{Picaud14, author = {Julien Picaud and Guylaine Collewet and Giulio Gambarota and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Comparison of fat content measured by {MRI} water-fat separation, {MR} spectroscopy and chemical analysis on salmon}, organization = {23rd Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB}, year = {2014}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Milan, Italy}, anote = {10-16 MAY 2014: http://www.ismrm.org/14}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Amhaz13, author = {Rabih Amhaz and Sylvie Chambon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Vincent Baltazart}, title = {Automatic Road Crack Detection by Selection of Minimal Paths}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }24{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2013}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Brest}, anote = {3-6 sept, 2013} }
@inproceedings{Amhaz13a, author = {Rabih Amhaz and Sylvie Chambon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Vincent Baltazart}, title = {Une m\'ethode de relev\'e automatique de fissures de chauss\'ee fond\'ee sur la recherche de chemins minimaux}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }13e colloque du Club CMOI/SFO}, year = {2013}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Or\'eans}, anote = {18-22 nov 2013 -TREIZIÈME COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL FRANCOPHONE DU CLUB CMOI/SFO - M\'ethodes et Techniques Optiques pour l’Industrie} }
@inproceedings{Carcreff13a, author = {Ewen Carcreff and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Laurent Simon}, title = {Resolution enhancement of ultrasonic signals by up-sampled sparse deconvolution}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2013}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, anote = {26-31 May 2013} }
@inproceedings{Carcreff13b, author = {Ewen Carcreff and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Laurent Simon and Aroune Duclos}, title = {Including frequency-dependent attenuation for the deconvolution of ultrasonic signals}, booktitle = {19th International Congress on Acoustics}, year = {2013}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, anote = {ICA, 26-31 May 2013} }
@inproceedings{Carcreff13c, author = {Ewen Carcreff and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Laurent Simon}, title = {Algorithmes de d\'econvolution impulsionnelle \`a r\'esolution augment\'ee}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }24{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2013}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Brest, France}, anote = {3-6 sept, 2013} }
@inproceedings{Chouzenoux13c, author = {Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and Fran{\c c}ois Mariette}, title = {Primal-dual interior point optimization for a regularized reconstruction of {NMR} relaxation time distribution}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2013}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, anote = {26-31 May 2013} }
@inproceedings{Gilavert13, author = {Cl\'ement Gilavert and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{R}\'e\'echantillonnage gaussien en grande dimension pour les probl\`emes inverses}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }24{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2013}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Brest, France}, anote = {3-6 sept, 2013} }
@inproceedings{Laluc13, author = {Christophe Laluc and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and Alain Cl\'ement}, title = {Pr\'ediction court-terme de la hauteur des vagues pour la commande d'un houlog\'en\'erateur}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }24{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2013}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Brest, France}, anote = {3-6 sept, 2013} }
@inproceedings{Legendre13, author = {Maxime Legendre and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and Fr\'ed\'eric Schmidt and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Parallel implementation of a primal-dual interior-point optimization method for fast abundance maps estimation}, booktitle = {Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (IEEE WHISPERS)}, year = {2013}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Gainesville, FL}, anote = {25th-28th June 2013} }
@inproceedings{Legendre13a, author = {Maxime Legendre and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and Fr\'ed\'eric Schmidt and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Impl\'ementation parall\`ele d'une m\'ethode d'estimation des cartes d'abondances en imagerie hyperspectrale}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }24{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2013}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Brest, France}, anote = {3-6 sept, 2013} }
@inproceedings{Soussen13b, author = {Charles Soussen and C\'edric Herzet and J\'er\^ome Idier and R\'emi Gribonval}, title = {Unrecoverable subsets by {OMP} and {B}asis {P}ursuit}, booktitle = {SPARS workshop}, year = {2013}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, anote = {July 8-11, 2013. EPFL, Lausanne} }
@inproceedings{Trouve13a, author = {Pauline Trouv\'e and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Guy {Le Besnerais} and Guillaume Druart and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Design of a chromatic {3D} camera with an end-to-end performance model approach}, organization = {2nd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CVPR workshop)}, year = {2013}, month = {{J}une}, pages = {953--960}, address = {Portland, OR, USA}, anote = {June 28, 2013, http://computationalcamerasanddisplays.media.mit.edu/program.php} }
@inproceedings{Trouve13c, author = {Pauline Trouv\'e and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Guy {Le Besnerais} and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Estimation de profondeur \`a partir du flou de d\'efocalisation d'un imageur chromatique}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }24{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2013}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Brest, France}, anote = {3-6 sept, 2013} }
@inproceedings{Carcreff12, author = {Ewen Carcreff and S\'ebastien Bourguignon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Laurent Simon}, title = {High-resolution deconvolution applied to non destructive testing}, booktitle = {Acoustics 2012}, year = {2012}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Nantes}, anote = {23-27 apr, 2012} }
@inproceedings{Moussaoui12, author = {Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and Emilie Chouzenoux and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Primal-dual interior-point optimization for penalized least squares estimation of abundance maps in hyperspectral imaging [{WHISPERS 2012 Best Paper Award}]}, booktitle = {Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (IEEE WHISPERS)}, year = {2012}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Shanghai, Chine} }
@inproceedings{Trouve12, author = {Pauline Trouv\'e and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Guy {Le Besnerais} and Guillaume Druart and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Chromatic depth from defocus: a theoretical and experimental performance study}, organization = {Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI)}, year = {2012}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Monterey, CA, USA}, anote = {24 June - 28 June 2012, Monterey Plaza Hotel}, url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=COSI-2012-CM3B.3} }
@inproceedings{Vautrin12, author = {Denis Vautrin and Matthieu Voorons and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and Nicolas Paul}, title = {Seismic imaging of transmission overhead line structure foundations}, booktitle = {Acoustics 2012}, year = {2012}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Nantes}, anote = {23-27 apr, 2012} }
@inproceedings{Bourguignon11, author = {S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Charles Soussen and Herv\'e Carfantan and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Sparse Deconvolution: Comparison of Statistical and Deterministic Approaches}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {W}orkshop on {S}tatistical {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2011}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Nice}, anote = {28-30 June} }
@inproceedings{Chouzenoux11b, author = {Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Efficiency of Line Search Strategies in Interior Point Methods for Linearly Constrained Signal Restoration}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {W}orkshop on {S}tatistical {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2011}, month = {juin}, address = {Nice}, anote = {28-30 June} }
@inproceedings{Chouzenoux11c, author = {Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Algorithme primal-dual de points int\'erieurs pour l'estimation p\'enalis\'ee des cartes d'abondances en imagerie hyperspectrale}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }23{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2011}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Bordeaux}, anote = {5-8 sept, 2011} }
@inproceedings{Fevotte11a, author = {C\'edric F\'evotte and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Algorithmes de factorisation en matrices non-n\'egatives fond\'ee sur la $\beta$-divergence}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }23{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2011}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Bordeaux}, anote = {5-8 sept, 2011} }
@inproceedings{He11, title = {{D}\'econvolution impulsionnelle par optimisation combinatoire exacte et application au {CND} radar}, author = {Hongyang He and J\'er\^ome Idier and Vincent Baltazart and Yide Wang}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }23{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2011}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Bordeaux}, anote = {5-8 sept, 2011} }
@inproceedings{Trillon11, author = {Adrien Trillon and Fr\'ed\'eric Sirois and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and Nicolas Paul and Alexandre Girard}, title = {Inversion de donn\'ees courants de {F}oucault r\'egularis\'ee bas\'ee sur un mod\`ele direct par \'el\'ements finis}, booktitle = {Journ\'ees COFREND}, year = {2011}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Dunkerque}, anote = {24 au 27 mai 2011, http://www.cofrend.com/2011} }
@inproceedings{Trouve11, author = {Pauline Trouv\'e and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Guy {Le Besnerais} and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Single image local blur identification}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, address = {Bruxelles, Belgique}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {621--624}, anote = {Sep 11-14, 2011}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Trouve11C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Vautrin11a, author = {Denis Vautrin and Matthieu Voorons and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and St\'even Kerzal\'e and Nicolas Paul}, title = {Seismic imaging of transmission overhead line structure foundations}, booktitle = {Computational Imaging IX (IS\&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging)}, year = {2011}, month = {{J}an.}, address = {San Francisco Airport, CA}, anote = {23 - 27 jan 2011} }
@inproceedings{Chouzenoux10a, author = {Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Optimization of a maximum entropy criterion for {2D} nuclear magnetic resonance reconstruction}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2010}, month = {{M}ar.}, address = {Dallas, TX}, pages = {4154--4157}, anote = {14-19 mars} }
@inproceedings{Kherrab10, author = {Belkacem Kherrab and Thomas Rodet and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Solving a problem of sources separation stemming from a linear combination: applied to the {3D} reconstruction of the solar atmosphere}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2010}, month = {{M}ar.}, address = {Dallas, TX}, pages = {1338--1341}, anote = {14-19 mars} }
@conference{Risser10a, author = {Laurent Risser and Thomas Vincent and Florence Forbes and J\'er\^ome Idier and Philippe Ciuciu}, title = {How to deal with brain deactivations in the joint detection-estimation framework?}, organization = {Human Brain Mapping (16th Annual Meeting)}, year = {2010}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, web = {web}, anote = {June 6-10, 2010. One of the top ranked abstracts for HBM 2010!}, url = {http://www.aievolution.com/hbm1001/index.cfm?do=abs.pubSearchAbstracts} }
@conference{Rondeau10, author = {Xavier Rondeau and J\'er\^ome Idier and Claude Comtat and Eric Thi\'ebaut}, title = {Fast {B}ayesian Reconstruction For Fully-{3D} Positron Emission Tomography}, organization = {SIAM Conference on Imaging Science}, year = {2010}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Chicago, IL}, web = {web}, anote = {April 12-14} }
@inproceedings{Trillon10a, author = {Adrien Trillon and Fr\'ed\'eric Sirois and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and Nicolas Paul and Alexandre Girard}, title = {Eddy current tomography based on a finite element forward model with additive regularization}, booktitle = {10th European Conference on NDT}, year = {2010}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Moscow, Russia}, anote = {7-11 juin 2010, http://www.ecndt2010.ru} }
@inproceedings{Chouzenoux09a, author = {Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier and Fran{\c c}ois Mariette}, title = {Reconstruction d'un spectre {RMN 2D} par maximum d'entropie}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }22{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2009}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Dijon, France}, pages = {} }
@inproceedings{Chouzenoux09b, author = {Emilie Chouzenoux and Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A Majorize-Minimize line search algorithm for barrier function optimization}, booktitle = {EUSIPCO}, year = {2009}, month = {{A}ug.}, address = {Glasgow, UK}, pages = {1379--1383} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu09, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and St\'ephane Sockeel and Thomas Vincent and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Modelling the neurovascular habituation effect on {fMRI} time series}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2009}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, pages = {433--436}, anote = {19-24/04/2009}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Ciuciu09C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu09a, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and St\'ephane Sockeel and J\'er\^ome Idier and Thomas Vincent}, title = {Mod\'elisation de l'habituation neurovasculaire de l'activit\'e c\'er\'ebrale en {IRM} fonctionnelle}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }22{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2009}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Dijon, France} }
@inproceedings{Duan09, author = {Junbo Duan and Charles Soussen and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A continuation approach to estimate a solution path of mixed {L2-L0} minimization problems}, booktitle = {SPARS workshop}, year = {2009}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Saint-Malo, France}, pages = {}, anote = {Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations} }
@inproceedings{Duan09b, author = {Junbo Duan and Charles Soussen and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{D}\'etection conjointe de discontinuit\'es d'ordres diff\'erents dans un signal par minimisation de crit\`ere {L2-L0}}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }22{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2009}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Dijon, France}, pages = {} }
@inproceedings{Risser09, author = {Laurent Risser and Thomas Vincent and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Sch\'emas d'extrapolation de fonctions de partition de champs de {P}otts. {A}pplication \`a l'analyse d'images en {IRM} fonctionnelle}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }22{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2009}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Dijon, France}, pages = {} }
@inproceedings{Risser09a, author = {Laurent Risser and Thomas Vincent and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Robust extrapolation scheme for fast estimation of {3D} {I}sing field partition functions. {A}pplication to within-subject {fMRI} data analysis}, booktitle = {MICCAI}, year = {2009}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {London, UK}, pages = {975--983}, anote = {12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 20th to 24th September 2009} }
@inproceedings{Risser09b, author = {Laurent Risser and J\'er\^ome Idier and Philippe Ciuciu and Thomas Vincent}, title = {Fast bilinear extrapolation of {3D} {I}sing field partition function. {A}pplication to f{MRI} image analysis}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {2009}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Le Caire, Egypt}, pages = {833--836}, anote = {November 7-11, 2009} }
@inproceedings{Trillon09, author = {Adrien Trillon and Alexandre Girard and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and Fr\'ed\'eric Sirois and St\'ephanie Dubost and Nicolas Paul}, title = {Eddy current tomography based on a finite difference forward model with additive regularization}, booktitle = {Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation}, year = {2009}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Kingston, RI}, anote = {QNDE, 26-31 July 2009, http://www.cnde.iastate.edu/QNDE/2009/Conference2009.html} }
@inproceedings{Vincent09, author = {Thomas Vincent and Laurent Risser and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Spatially unsupervised analysis of within-subject f{MRI} data using multiple extrapolations of {3D} {I}sing field partition functions}, booktitle = {IEEE MLSP}, year = {2009}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {1--6}, address = {Grenoble, France}, anote = {IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Formerly Neural Networks for Signal Processing. September 2-4} }
@inproceedings{Collewet08a, author = {Guylaine Collewet and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{D}\'ebruitage et correction du biais non multiplicatif en {IRM} pond\'er\'ee $\mathb{T_1}$}, booktitle = {RFIA}, year = {2008}, month = {{J}an.}, address = {Amiens, France}, anote = {16e congr\`es francophone AFRIF-AFIA, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, 22 au 25 janvier 2008} }
@inproceedings{Ge08, author = {Di Ge and J\'er\^ome Idier and \'Eric {Le Carpentier}}, title = {A new {MCMC} algorithm for blind {B}ernoulli-{G}aussian deconvolution}, booktitle = {EUSIPCO}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}ug.}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, anote = {25-29/08/2008}, pdf = {pub/Ge08.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ge08a, author = {D. Ge and E. Le Carpentier and D. Farina and J. Idier}, title = {Unsupervised {B}ayesian {EMG} Decomposition algorithm using {T}abu search}, booktitle = {1st Int. Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL)}, year = {2008}, month = {{O}ct.}, address = {Aalborg, Denmark} }
@inproceedings{Trillon08, author = {Adrien Trillon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Pierre Peureux}, title = {Unsupervised {B}ayesian {3D} reconstruction for non-destructive evaluation using gammagraphy}, booktitle = {EUSIPCO}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}ug.}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, anote = {25-29/08/2008}, pdf = {pub/Trillon08.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Barriere07a, author = {Paul-Andre Barri\`ere and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and Jean-Jacques Laurin}, title = {A 3-term optimization criterion for faster inversion in microwave tomography}, year = {2007}, month = {{A}pr.}, pages = {225--228}, booktitle = {{{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {B}iomedical {I}maging}}, address = {Washington, DC}, anote = {4th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 12-15, 2007, Metro Washington DC, USA}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Barriere07aC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Bourguignon07b, author = {S\'ebastien Bourguignon and Herv\'e Carfantan and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Minimisation de crit\`eres de moindres carr\'es p\'enalis\'es par la norme $l^1$ dans le cas complexe}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }21{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2007}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {1253--1256}, address = {Troyes, France}, anote = {11-14 sept, 2007}, pdf = {pub/Bourguignon07b.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu07, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Thomas Veit and Thomas Vincent}, title = {Application du r\'e\'echantillonnage stochastique de l'\'echelle en d\'etection-estimation de l'activit\'e c\'er\'ebrale par {IRMf}}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }21{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2007}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {373--376}, address = {Troyes, France}, anote = {11-14 sept, 2007}, pdf = {pub/Ciuciu07.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Fournier07, author = {Louis Fournier and Laurence Chatellier and Pierre Peureux and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{3-D} Reconstruction From Narrow-Angle Radiographs}, booktitle = {Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation}, year = {2007}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Golden, CO}, pages = {680--687}, note = {QNDE, 22-27 July 2007, http://www.cnde.iastate.edu/QNDE/2007/Conference2007.html, http://www.springer.com/physics/book/978-0-7354-0399-4} }
@inproceedings{Ge07, author = {Di Ge and J\'er\^ome Idier and \'Eric {Le Carpentier}}, title = {Deconvolution strategies allowing more stable solutions}, booktitle = {IAR Annual Meeting}, year = {2007}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Grenoble, France}, anote = {15-16/11/2007} }
@conference{Labat07a, author = {Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Convergence of truncated half-quadratic and {N}ewton algorithms}, organization = {ICCOPT}, year = {2007}, month = {{A}ug.}, address = {Hamilton, ON, Canada}, anote = {August 13-16}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Makni07, author = {Salima Makni and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {Approche bay\'esienne de d\'etection-estimation conjointe de l'activit\'e c\'er\'ebrale en {IRMf}}, year = {2007}, booktitle = {TAIMA'07}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Hammamet, Tunisia}, anote = {22 au 26 mai, http://taima.enst-bretagne.fr} }
@inproceedings{Roux07a, author = {A. Roux and L. Simon and J\'er\^ome Idier and C. Potel and S. Lebon and J.-F. {de Belleval} and J.-M. Gherbezza}, title = {Sparse deconvolution method for wave separation in {NDT\&E}}, organization = {19th International Congress on Acoustics}, year = {2007}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, ftp = {http://www.sea-acustica.es/WEB_ICA_07/fchrs/papers/ult-10-011.pdf}, anote = {ICA, Madrid, 2-7 septembre} }
@inproceedings{Veit07, author = {Thomas Veit and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Echantillonnage de l'\'echelle dans les algorithmes {MCMC} pour les probl\`emes inverses bilin\'eaires}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }21{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2007}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {1233--1236}, address = {Troyes, France}, anote = {11-14 sept, 2007}, pdf = {pub/Veit07.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Vincent07, author = {Thomas Vincent and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Spatial mixture modelling for the joint detection-estimation of brain activity in {fMRI}}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2007}, volume = {I}, pages = {325--328}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Honolulu, HA}, anote = {April 15-20, 2007}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Vincent07C.pdf} }
@conference{Vincent07a, author = {Thomas Vincent and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Spatial mixture modelling for the joint detection-estimation of brain activity in {fMRI}}, organization = {Human Brain Mapping (13th Annual Meeting)}, year = {2007}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Chicago, IL}, anote = {June 10-14, 2007}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Vincent07b, author = {Thomas Vincent and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Application and validation of spatial mixture modelling for the joint detection-estimation of brain activity in {fMRI}}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference of the {E}ngineering in {M}edicine and {B}iology {S}ociety}}, year = {2007}, month = {{A}ug.}, pages = {5218--5222}, address = {Lyon, France}, anote = {Aug 22-27 2007}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Vincent07c, author = {Thomas Vincent and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{M}\'elanges spatiaux pour la d\'etection-estimation conjointe de l'activit\'e c\'er\'ebrale en imagerie fonctionnelle ({IRMf})}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }21{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2007}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {133--136}, address = {Troyes, France}, anote = {11-14 sept, 2007}, pdf = {pub/Vincent07c.pdf} }
@conference{Ciuciu06, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Salima Makni}, title = {Modeling non-linear and non-stationary effects of the {BOLD} response using mixture models in {fMRI}}, organization = {Human Brain Mapping (12th Annual Meeting)}, year = {2006}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Florence, Italy}, anote = {June 11-15, 2007}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Collewet06, author = {Guylaine Collewet and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Compensation of {MRI} $\mathb{T_1}$-weighted spin-echo images for radio-frequency inhomogeneities}, booktitle = {EUSIPCO}, year = {2006}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {305--308}, address = {Florence, Italy}, anote = {04-08/09/2006}, pdf = {pub/Collewet06.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Labat06a, author = {Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Preconditioned conjugate gradient without linesearch: a comparison with the half-quadratic approach for edge-preserving image restoration}, booktitle = {Computational Imaging IV (IS\&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging)}, year = {2006}, month = {{J}an.}, address = {San Jose, CA}, anote = {15-19 jan 2006} }
@inproceedings{Labat06b, author = {Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Sparse blind deconvolution accounting for time-shift ambiguity}, year = {2006}, volume = {III}, pages = {616--619}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Toulouse, France}, anote = {May 15-19}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Labat06bC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Makni06, author = {Salima Makni and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {Bayesian joint detection-estimation of brain activity using {MCMC} with a {G}amma-{G}aussian mixture prior model}, year = {2006}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, volume = {V}, pages = {1093--1096}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Toulouse, France}, anote = {May 15-19}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Makni06C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Makni06a, author = {Salima Makni and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {Joint detection-estimation of brain activity in {fMRI} using an autoregressive noise model}, year = {2006}, pages = {1048--1051}, booktitle = {{{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {B}iomedical {I}maging}}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Arlington, VA}, anote = {April 6-9}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Makni06aC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Mazet06, author = {Vincent Mazet and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Decomposition of a chemical spectrum using a marked point process and a constant dimension model}, booktitle = {Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods}, organization = {MaxEnt Workshops}, editor = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, publisher = {{{A}merican {I}nstitute of {P}hysics}}, pages = {288--295}, address = {Paris, France}, year = {2006}, month = {{J}uly} }
@inproceedings{Roux06, author = {Aur\'elien Roux and Laurent Simon and J\'er\^ome Idier and Claude Depollier and Catherine Potel}, title = {{M}\'ethodes bay\'esiennes pour la s\'eparation d'ondes appliqu\'ees \`a la propagation acoustique dans les mat\'eriaux complexes}, organization = {8\`eme Congr\`es Fran{\c c}ais d'Acoustique}, year = {2006}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Tours, France}, anote = {24-27 avril 2006}, pages = {801--804}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Soussen06, author = {Charles Soussen and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{3D} reconstruction of localized objects from radiographs}, booktitle = {IAR Annual Meeting}, year = {2006}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Nancy, France}, anote = {Nov. 16th-17th, 2006} }
@inproceedings{Carfantan05, author = {Herv\'e Carfantan and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Statistical self-calibration of pushbrum-type images}, booktitle = {PSIP'2005 : Physics in signal and Image processing}, year = {2005}, month = {{J}an.}, address = {Toulouse, France}, anote = {31 janvier - 2 fevrier} }
@inproceedings{Dubois05, author = {Corentin Dubois and Manuel Davy and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Tracking of time-frequency components using particle filtering}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2005}, month = {{M}ar.}, address = {Philadelphia, PA}, pages = {9--12}, volume = {4}, anote = {March 19-23, 2005}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Dubois05C.pdf} }
@conference{Idier05e, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Experimental data processing as an inverse problem}, organization = {IAR Annual Meeting}, year = {2005}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Mulhouse, France}, anote = {17 nov 2005, http://www.iar05.uha.fr (16-18 nov)}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Labat05, author = {Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier and Beno\^\it Richard and Laurence Chatellier}, title = {Ultrasonic nondestructive testing based on {2D} deconvolution}, booktitle = {PSIP'2005 : Physics in signal and Image processing}, year = {2005}, month = {{J}an.}, address = {Toulouse, France}, anote = {31 janvier - 2 f\'evrier} }
@inproceedings{Labat05a, author = {Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {Comparison between half-quadratic and preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms for {MRI} reconstruction}, booktitle = {PSIP'2005 : Physics in signal and Image processing}, year = {2005}, month = {{J}an.}, address = {Toulouse, France}, anote = {31 janvier - 2 f\'evrier} }
@inproceedings{Labat05b, author = {Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Comparaison entre les algorithmes semi-quadratiques et gradients conjugu\'es pr\'econditionn\'es pour la restauration d'image pr\'eservant les bords}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }20{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2005}, month = {{S}ep.}, volume = {2}, pages = {651--654}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}, anote = {6-9 sep 2005, Presses universitaires de Louvain}, pdf = {pub/Labat05b.pdf}, url = {http://www.i6doc.com/doc/20gretsi2} }
@inproceedings{Makni05a, author = {Salima Makni and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {{D}\'etection-estimation conjointe de l'activit\'e c\'er\'ebrale en imagerie fonctionnelle ({IRMf})}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }20{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2005}, month = {{S}ep.}, volume = {1}, pages = {295--298}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}, anote = {6-9 sep 2005, Presses universitaires de Louvain}, pdf = {pub/Makni05a.pdf}, url = {http://www.i6doc.com/doc/20gretsi1} }
@inproceedings{Mazet05a, author = {Vincent Mazet and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Simuler une distribution normale \`a support positif \`a partir de plusieurs lois candidates}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }20{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2005}, month = {{S}ep.}, volume = {2}, pages = {1077--1080}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}, anote = {6-9 sep 2005, Presses universitaires de Louvain}, pdf = {pub/Mazet05a.pdf}, url = {http://www.i6doc.com/doc/20gretsi2} }
@inproceedings{Mazet05b, author = {Vincent Mazet and J\'er\^ome Idier and David Brie}, title = {{D}\'econvolution impulsionnelle positive myope}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }20{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2005}, month = {{S}ep.}, volume = {2}, pages = {1081--1084}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}, anote = {6-9 sep 2005, Presses universitaires de Louvain}, pdf = {pub/Mazet05b.pdf}, url = {http://www.i6doc.com/doc/20gretsi2} }
@inproceedings{Mazet05c, author = {Vincent Mazet and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Simulation of Positive Normal Variables using several Proposal Distributions}, booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing}, year = {2005}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Bordeaux, France}, anote = {17-20 juillet, SSP '05}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Mazet05cC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Moussaoui05, author = {Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Non-negative source separation: range of admissible solutions and conditions for the uniqueness of the solution}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2005}, month = {{M}ar.}, pages = {289--292}, volume = {5}, address = {Philadelphia, PA}, anote = {March 19-23, 2005}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Moussaoui05C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Richard05, author = {Beno\^\it Richard and Laurence Chatellier and Olivier Dupond and Christian Labat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Caract\'erisation de d\'efauts plans par contr\^ole ultrasonore et traitement de signal adapt\'e}, booktitle = {Journ\'ees COFREND}, year = {2005}, month = {{M}ay}, anote = {24-26 mai 2005 http://www.cofrend.com/2005 PROGRAMME: Nouveaux d\'eveloppements en END: th\'eorie, mise en application et mat\'eriel}, address = {Beaune, France} }
@inproceedings{Servieres05, author = {Myriam Servi\`eres and J\'er\^ome Idier and Nicolas Normand and Jeanpierre Gu\'edon}, title = {Conjugate Gradient Mojette Reconstruction}, booktitle = {SPIE Medical imaging}, year = {2005}, pages = {2067--2074}, month = {{F}eb.}, address = {San Diego, CA}, anote = {12-17 February 2005}, doi = {10.1117/12.593399} }
@inproceedings{Snoussi05, author = {Hichem Snoussi and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Blind Separation of Generalized Hyperbolic Processes: Unifying Approach to Stationary Non {G}aussianity and {G}aussian Non Stationarity}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2005}, month = {{M}ar.}, address = {Philadelphia, PA}, pages = {229--232}, volume = {5}, anote = {March 19-23, 2005}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Snoussi05C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Soussen05, author = {Charles Soussen and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{3D} reconstruction of localized objects from radiographs and based on multiresolution and sparsity}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {2005}, volume = {III}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {744--747}, address = {Genova, Italy}, anote = {September 11-14}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Soussen05C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu04, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Alexis Roche and Christophe Pallier}, title = {Outlier detection for robust region-based estimation of the Hemodynamic Response Function in event-related {fMRI}}, booktitle = {{{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {B}iomedical {I}maging}}, year = {2004}, month = {{A}pr.}, pages = {392--395}, address = {Arlington, VA}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Ciuciu04C.pdf}, anote = {15-18/04/2004} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu04a, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Regularized {D}oppler Radar Imaging for Target Identification in Atmospheric Clutter}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2004}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, volume = {V}, pages = {265--268}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Ciuciu04aC.pdf}, anote = {17-21/05/2004} }
@inproceedings{Davy04, author = {Manuel Davy and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Fast {MCMC} computations for the estimation of sparse processes from noisy observations}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2004}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, volume = {II}, pages = {1041--1044}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Davy04C.pdf}, anote = {17-21/05/2004}, doi = {10.1121/1.2168548} }
@inproceedings{Husse04, author = {Sabine Husse and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Extended forms of {G}eman and {Y}ang algorithm: application to {MRI} reconstruction}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2004}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, month = {{M}ay}, volume = {III}, pages = {513--516}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Husse04C.pdf}, anote = {17-21/05/2004} }
@inproceedings{Makni04, author = {Salima Makni and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {Semi-blind deconvolution of neural impulse response in event-related {fMRI} using {G}ibbs sampler}, booktitle = {{{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {B}iomedical {I}maging}}, year = {2004}, month = {{A}pr.}, pages = {860--863}, address = {Arlington, VA}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Makni04C.pdf}, anote = {15-18/04/2004} }
@inproceedings{Makni04a, author = {Salima Makni and Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {Semi-blind deconvolution of neural impulse response in {fMRI} using a {G}ibbs sampling method}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {2004}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, volume = {V}, pages = {601--604}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Makni04aC.pdf}, anote = {17-21/05/2004} }
@inproceedings{Mazet04, author = {Vincent Mazet and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Baseline Spectrum Estimation using Half-Quadratic Minimization}, booktitle = {EUSIPCO}, year = {2004}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {305--308}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, anote = {06-10/09/2004} }
@inproceedings{Moussaoui04, author = {Sa{\"\i}d Moussaoui and David Brie and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Non-Negative Source Separation: Range of admissible solutions and conditions for the uniqueness of the solution}, booktitle = {IAR Annual Meeting}, year = {2004}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Karlsruhe, Germany}, anote = {http://www.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/~iar/IAR-Tagung/timetable.htm} }
@conference{Ciuciu03a, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Alexis Roche and Christophe Pallier}, title = {Analysis of the spatial variability of the Hemodynamic Response Function~({HRF}) using an {SPM} toolbox}, year = {2003}, month = {{J}une}, organization = {Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on {F}unctional {M}apping of the {H}uman {B}rain}, address = {New York, NY}, web = {web}, anote = {18-22/06/2003} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu03b, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Guillaume Marrelec and Jean-Baptiste Poline}, title = {Estimation r\'egularis\'ee et non supervis\'ee de la r\'eponse h\'emodynamique en imagerie c\'er\'ebrale fonctionnelle ({IRM}f)}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }19{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, pages = {312--315}, volume = {III}, year = {2003}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Paris, France}, pdf = {pub/Ciuciu03b.pdf}, anote = {08-11/09/2003} }
@inproceedings{Mazet03, author = {Vincent Mazet and J\'er\^ome Idier and David Brie and Bernard Humbert and C\'edric Carteret}, title = {Least squares based methods for the estimation of a spectrum background}, booktitle = {IAR Annual Meeting}, year = {2003}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Duisburg, Germany}, pages = {265--270}, anote = {27-28/11/2003} }
@inproceedings{Mazet03a, author = {Vincent Mazet and J\'er\^ome Idier and David Brie and Bernard Humbert and C\'edric Carteret}, title = {Estimation de l'arri\`ere-plan de spectres par diff\'erentes m\'ethodes d\'eriv\'ees des moindres carr\'es}, booktitle = {Chimiom\'etrie 2003}, year = {2003}, month = {{D}ec.}, address = {Paris, France}, pages = {173--176}, pdf = {pub/mazet03a.pdf}, anote = {03-04/12/2003} }
@conference{Allain02b, author = {Marc Allain and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {On Global and Local Convergence of Half-Quadratic Algorithms}, organization = {CANUM}, year = {2002}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Anglet, France}, web = {web} }
@conference{Allain02c, author = {Marc Allain and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {On Global and Local Convergence of Half-Quadratic Algorithms}, organization = {SIAM Conference on Optimization}, year = {2002}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Toronto, Canada}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Allain02d, author = {Marc Allain and J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {On Global and Local Convergence of Half-Quadratic Algorithms}, year = {2002}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, address = {Rochester}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {833--836}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Allain02dC.pdf}, url = {http://www.securecms.com/icip2002/Papers/viewpapers.asp?papernum=1748} }
@inproceedings{Allain02e, author = {Marc Allain and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Regularized Approach in {3D} Helical Computed Tomography}, year = {2002}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference of the {E}ngineering in {M}edicine and {B}iology {S}ociety}}, address = {Houston}, month = {{O}ct.}, pages = {943--944}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Allain02eC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu02b, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and Guillaume Marrelec and Jean-Baptiste Poline and J\'er\^ome Idier and Habib Benali}, title = {Robust estimation of the hemodynamic response function in asynchronous multitasks multisessions event-related {fMRI} paradigms}, year = {2002}, month = {{J}uly}, pages = {847--850}, booktitle = {{{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {B}iomedical {I}maging}}, address = {Washington, DC}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Ciuciu02bC.pdf} }
@conference{Ciuciu02c, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and Guillaume Marrelec and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Baptiste Poline and Habib Benali}, title = {A general tool to estimate the hemodynamic response function in {fMRI} data}, year = {2002}, month = {{J}une}, organization = {Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on {F}unctional {M}apping of the {H}uman {B}rain}, address = {Sendai, Japan}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Demoment02b, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, title = {Restauration et reconstruction d'image}, year = {2002}, pages = {45--56}, booktitle = {Le traitement d'image \`a l'aube du XXIe si\`ecle}, address = {Paris, France}, month = {{M}ar.}, organization = {Journ\'ees d'\'etudes {SEE}} }
@inproceedings{Allain01a, author = {Marc Allain and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Approche r\'egularis\'ee en reconstruction tomographique {3D} h\'elico{\"\i}dale}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }18{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2001}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pdf = {pub/allain01a.pdf} }
@conference{Carfantan01, author = {Herv\'e Carfantan and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Auto-calibration des barrettes {CCD} en imagerie satellite par une m\'ethode bay\'esienne}, address = {Toulouse, France}, organization = {CNES-CCT}, year = {2001}, month = {{A}pr.}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu01a, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli}, title = {Estimation spectrale r\'egularis\'ee de fouillis et de cibles en imagerie radar {D}oppler}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }18{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2001}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {479--482}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pdf = {pub/ciuciu01a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Fiani01a, author = {Myriam Fiani and J\'er\^ome Idier and St\'ephane Gautier}, title = {Algorithmes {ART} semi-quadratiques pour la reconstruction \`a partir de radiographies}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }18{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {2001}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {183--186}, address = {Toulouse, France}, pdf = {pub/fiani01a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Gautier01a, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Dominique Villard}, title = {Restoring Separate Discontinuities from Ultrasonic Data}, booktitle = {Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol 615(1)}, year = {2001}, pages = {686--690}, month = {{J}uly}, address = {Brunswick, ME}, url = {http://content.aip.org/APCPCS/v615/i1/686_1.html} }
@inproceedings{Allain00, title = {Conception automatis\'ee et fabrication rapide de proth\`eses personnalis\'ees}, author = {Marc Allain and Sylvie Dor\'e and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {ACFAS, Coop\'eration France-Qu\'ebec}, month = {{M}ay}, year = {2000}, address = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, anote = {CAO - G\'enie des proc\'ed\'es, Sciences de l'ing\'enieur} }
@inproceedings{Blanc00, author = {Amandine Blanc and J{\'e}r\^ome Idier and Laurent Mugnier}, title = {Novel estimator for the aberrations of a space telescope by phase diversity}, booktitle = {SPIE's Int. Symp. Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000}, year = {2000}, month = {{M}ar.}, pages = {728--736}, address = {Munich, Germany} }
@inproceedings{Blanc00a, author = {Amandine Blanc and Laurent Mugnier and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Marginal estimator for the aberrations of a space telescope by phase diversity}, booktitle = {4th International Conference On Space Optics}, pages = {77--86}, year = {2000}, address = {Toulouse, France}, month = {{D}ec.} }
@inproceedings{Gautier00, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Restoring Separate Discontinuities in the Inspected Medium through the Deconvolution of Ultrasonic Data}, booktitle = {2nd Int. Conf. on {NDE} in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components}, year = {2000}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {New Orleans, LO}, volume = {3}, pages = {355--358}, url = {http://www.ndt.net/abstract/epri2000/data/142.htm} }
@inproceedings{Blanc99, author = {Amandine Blanc and Laurent Mugnier and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Identifiabilit\'e et estimation myope d'aberrations optiques par diversit\'e de phase}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }17{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1999}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {63--66}, address = {Vannes, France}, pdf = {pub/Blanc99.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu99, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli}, title = {{M}arkovian High Resolution Spectral Analysis}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1999}, month = {{M}ar.}, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, pages = {1601--1604}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Ciuciu99C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ciuciu99a, author = {Philippe Ciuciu and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli}, title = {Analyse spectrale non param\'etrique haute r\'esolution}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }17{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1999}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {721--724}, address = {Vannes, France}, pdf = {pub/Ciuciu99a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier99, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Regularization tools and models for image and signal reconstruction}, booktitle = {3rd Int. Conf. Inverse Problems in Engng.}, year = {1999}, month = {{J}une}, pages = {23--29}, address = {Port Ludlow, WA}, anote = {Invited paper}, pdf = {pub/idier99.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier99a, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Crit\`eres convexes et processus auxiliaires interactifs pour la restauration d'images}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }17{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1999}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {399--402}, address = {Vannes, France}, pdf = {pub/Idier99a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Ridolfi99, author = {Andrea Ridolfi and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Penalized Maximum Likelihood estimation for Univariate Normal Mixture Distributions}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }17{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1999}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {259--262}, address = {Vannes, France}, pdf = {pub/Ridolfi99.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Villain99, author = {Nicolas Villain and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier and St\'ephane Brette}, title = {Restauration par champ de {M}arkov {3D} \`a potentiels convexes appliqu\'ee aux images tomographiques}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }17{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1999}, month = {{S}ep.}, pages = {599--602}, address = {Vannes, France}, pdf = {pub/Villain99.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Delphin98, author = {Lionel Delphin-Poulat and Chafik Mokbel and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Frame-Synchronous Stochastic Matching Based on the {K}ullback-{L}eibler Information}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1998}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Seattle, WA}, pages = {89--92}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Delphin98C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Gautier98, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Blandine Lavayssi\`ere}, title = {{X}-ray and ultrasound data fusion}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {1998}, month = {{O}ct.}, address = {Chicago, IL}, pages = {366--369}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Gautier98C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Carfantan97, author = {Herv\'e Carfantan and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A single site update algorithm for nonlinear diffraction tomography}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, pages = {2837--2840}, month = {{A}pr.}, year = {1997}, address = {Munich, Germany}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Carfantan97C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Dublanchet97, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Dublanchet and J\'er\^ome Idier and Patrick Duvaut}, title = {Direction-of-arrival and frequency estimation using {P}oisson-{G}aussian modeling}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, pages = {3501--3504}, month = {{A}pr.}, year = {1997}, address = {Munich, Germany}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Dublanchet97C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Fayolle97, author = {Marc Fayolle and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {{EM} parameter estimation for a piecewise {AR}}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, pages = {3545--3548}, month = {{A}pr.}, year = {1997}, address = {Munich, Germany}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Fayolle97C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Gautier97, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Blandine Lavayssi\`ere}, title = {Fusion de donn\'ees gammagraphiques et ultrasonores}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }16{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1997}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Grenoble, France}, pages = {781--784}, pdf = {pub/Gautier97.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Gautier97a, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Blandine Lavayssi\`ere}, title = {Trai{\-}te{\-}ment d'\'echogrammes ultrasonores par d\'econvolution aveugle}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }16{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1997}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Grenoble, France}, pages = {1431--1434}, pdf = {pub/Gautier97a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Goussard97, author = {Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier and Alain {De Cesare}}, title = {Unsupervised image segmentation using a telegraph parameterization of {P}ickard random fields}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, pages = {2777--2780}, month = {{A}pr.}, year = {1997}, address = {Munich, Germany}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Goussard97C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier97, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli}, title = {Stabilit\'e structurelle des m\'ethodes de pr\'ediction lin\'eaire}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }16{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1997}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Grenoble, France}, pages = {543--546}, pdf = {pub/Idier97.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier97a, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and Philippe Ciuciu}, title = {Interpr\'etation r\'egularis\'ee des p\'eriodogrammes et extensions non quadratiques}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }16{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1997}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Grenoble, France}, pages = {695--698}, pdf = {pub/Idier97a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Martin97, author = {Thierry Martin and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Reconstruction Bay\'esienne en tomographie d'imp\'edance \'electrique}, booktitle = {Num\'elec 97: seconde conf\'erence europ\'eenne sur les m\'ethodes num\'eriques en \'electromagn\'etisme}, year = {1997}, month = {{M}ar.}, address = {Lyon, France}, pages = {30--31} }
@inproceedings{Martin97a, author = {Thierry Martin and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A {FEM}-based Nonlinear {MAP} Estimator in Electrical Impedance Tomography}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {1997}, month = {{O}ct.}, address = {Santa Barbara, CA}, pages = {684--687}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Martin97aC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Villain97, author = {Nicolas Villain and Yves Goussard and St\'ephane Brette and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Computed tomography image restoration using convex-potential {3-D} {M}arkov random fields}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference of the {E}ngineering in {M}edicine and {B}iology {S}ociety}}, year = {1997}, address = {Chicago, IL}, pages = {561--564}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Villain97C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Brette96, author = {St\'ephane Brette and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Optimized Single Site Update Algorithms for Image Deblurring}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {1996}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, pages = {65--68}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Brette96C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Herment96, author = {Alain Herment and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and E. Mousseaux and J\'er\^ome Idier and Alain {De Cesare} and Jacques Bittoun}, title = {Regularized estimation of flow patterns in {MR} velocimetry}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing}}, year = {1996}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, pages = {291--294}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Herment96C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Herment96a, author = {Alain Herment and E. Mousseaux and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jacques Bittoun and O. Jolivet}, title = {{MR} Velocity Mapping: Improvement of Noise Robustness by Using a Regularized Estimation of Flow Patterns}, booktitle = {Computer Assisted Radiology}, year = {1996}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Paris, France}, pages = {116--120}, volume = {1124} }
@conference{Herment96b, author = {Alain Herment and E. Mousseaux and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier and O. Jolivet and Jacques Bittoun}, title = {Improved Robustness of {MR} Velocity Mapping by Using a Spatial Regularized Estimation of Flow Patterns}, organization = {4th scientific meeting of the Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, year = {1996}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {New York, NY}, pages = {1288}, volume = {2}, web = {web} }
@inproceedings{Idier96a, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Guy Demoment}, title = {Regularization methods and inverse problems: an information theory standpoint}, booktitle = {2nd Int. Conf. Inverse Problems in Engng.}, year = {1996}, month = {{J}une}, pages = {321--328}, address = {Le Croisic, France}, pdf = {pub/idier96a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Martin96, author = {Thierry Martin and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A {B}ayesian non-linear inverse approach for electrical impedance tomography}, booktitle = {2nd Int. Conf. Inverse Problems in Engng.}, year = {1996}, month = {{J}une}, pages = {473--480}, address = {Le Croisic, France}, pdf = {pub/martin96.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Champagnat95, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {An alternative to standard maximum likelihood for {G}aussian mixtures}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1995}, month = {{M}ay}, address = {Detroit, MI}, pages = {2020--2023}, volume = {III}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Champagnat95C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Dublanchet95, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Dublanchet and Patrick Duvaut and J\'er\^ome Idier and Guy Demoment}, title = {{EXPULSE COMPLEXE}, estimation bay\'esienne de sinuso{\"\i}des par d\'econvolution de la transform\'ee de {F}ourier discr\`ete du signal}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }15{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1995}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, pages = {37--40}, pdf = {pub/Dublanchet95.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier95a, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {Formules de r\'eestimation pour un mod\`ele de cha{\^\i}ne de {M}arkov cach\'ee stationnaire r\'eversible}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }15{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1995}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, pages = {177--180}, pdf = {pub/Idier95a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Martin95, author = {Thierry Martin and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Probl\`eme mal pos\'e et reconstruction bay\'esienne en tomographie d'imp\'edance \'electrique}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }15{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1995}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, pages = {905--908}, pdf = {pub/Martin95.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Perrot95, author = {Gildas Perrot and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Param\'etrisation {\og}t\'el\'egraphique{\fg} de champs de {P}ickard pour la segmentation non-supervis\'ee d'images}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }15{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1995}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, pages = {669--672}, pdf = {pub/Perrot95.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Brette94a, author = {St\'ephane Brette and J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, title = {Scale invariant {M}arkov models for linear inverse problems}, booktitle = {Proc. of the Section on {B}ayesian Statistical Sciences}, year = {1994}, publisher = {American Statistical Association}, address = {Alicante, Spain}, pages = {266--270} }
@inproceedings{Brette94b, author = {St\'ephane Brette and J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, title = {Scale Invariant {B}ayesian Estimator for Inversion of Noisy Linear System}, organization = {Fifth Valencia Int. Meeting on {B}ayesian Statistics}, year = {1994}, month = {{J}une}, address = {Spain} }
@inproceedings{Giovannelli94a, author = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier and Bernard Querleux and Alain Herment and Guy Demo{\-}ment}, title = {Maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori estimation of {G}aussian spectra. {A}pplication to attenuation measurement and color {D}oppler velocimetry}, booktitle = {{{P}roceedings of {I}nternational {U}ltrasonics {S}ymposium}}, year = {1994}, month = {{N}ov.}, address = {Cannes, France}, pages = {1721--1724}, volume = {3}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Giovannelli94aC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier94, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and Bernard Querleux}, title = {{B}ayesian time-varying {AR} spectral estimation for ultrasound attenuation measurement in biological tissues}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Section on {B}ayesian Statistical Science}, year = {1994}, publisher = {American Statistical Association}, address = {Alicante, Spain}, pages = {256--261}, pdf = {pub/Idier94.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Nikolova94, author = {Mila Nikolova and Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Inversion of large-support ill-conditioned linear operators using a {M}arkov model with a line process}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1994}, address = {Adelaide, Australia}, pages = {357--360}, volume = {V}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Nikolova94C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Champagnat93, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Deconvolution of sparse spike trains accounting for wavelet phase shifts and colored noise}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1993}, address = {Minneapolis, MN}, pages = {452--455}, volume = {III}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Champagnat93C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Champagnat93a, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Un nouvel algorithme de d\'econvolution impulsionnelle avec prise en compte de saturation}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }14{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1993}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, pages = {559--562}, pdf = {pub/Champagnat93a.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Djafari93b, author = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Scale Invariant {B}ayesian Estimators for Linear Inverse Problems}, booktitle = {Proc. of the First ISBA meeting}, year = {1993}, month = {{A}ug.}, address = {San Francisco, CA}, anote = {Journal of American Mathematical Society, section Bayesian Statistics} }
@inproceedings{Djafari93d, author = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A scale invariant {B}ayesian method to solve inverse problems}, booktitle = {Proc. of the Section on {B}ayesian Statistical Sciences}, year = {1993}, publisher = {American Statistical Association}, address = {San Francisco, CA} }
@inproceedings{Demoment92, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Probl\`emes inverses et d\'econvolution}, booktitle = {2$^e$ Congr\`es fran{\c c}ais d'acoustique}, year = {1992}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {Journal de physique IV}, address = {Arcachon, France}, pages = {929--936}, ftp = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/25/11/69/PDF/ajp-jp4199202C1203.pdf}, anote = {communication invit\'ee} }
@inproceedings{Goussard92, author = {Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Mod\'elisation markovienne pour l'imagerie des milieux stratifi\'es}, booktitle = {Journ\'ees th\'ematiques {\og}Approches markoviennes en signal et images{\fg}}, year = {1992}, publisher = {GdR TdSI}, address = {Paris, France}, pages = {105--119} }
@inproceedings{Idier92, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {Mod\'elisation markovienne pour l'imagerie des milieux stratifi\'es}, booktitle = {24$^e$ Journ\'ees de statistiques}, year = {1992}, publisher = {ASU}, address = {Bruxelles, Belgium}, pages = {266--268} }
@inproceedings{Idier91, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {Mod\'elisation markovienne pour la d\'econvolution multicanal \'echographique}, booktitle = {{{A}ctes du }13{\textsuperscript{e} colloque {GRETSI}}}, year = {1991}, month = {{S}ep.}, address = {Juan-les-Pins, France}, pages = {241--244} }
@inproceedings{Goussard90a, author = {Yves Goussard and Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A new algorithm for iterative deconvolution of sparse spike trains}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1990}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Albuquerque, NM}, pages = {1547--1550}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Goussard90aC.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier90a, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard}, title = {{M}arkov modeling for {B}ayesian multi-channel deconvolution}, booktitle = {{{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing}}, year = {1990}, month = {{A}pr.}, address = {Albuquerque, NM}, pages = {2001--2004}, pdf = {pub/pubC/Idier90aC.pdf} }
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