@inproceedings{Giovannelli15z, editor = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Regularization and {B}ayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing}, year = {2015}, month = {{F}eb.}, publisher = {ISTE-Wiley}, author = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Introduction} }
@inproceedings{Soussen15z, editor = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Regularization and {B}ayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing}, year = {2015}, month = {{F}eb.}, publisher = {ISTE-Wiley}, author = {Charles Soussen and David Brie and Gr\'egory Francius and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Analysis of force-volume images in atomic force microscopy using sparse approximation} }
@inproceedings{Giovannelli13z, editor = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {M\'ethodes d'inversion appliqu\'ees au traitement du signal et de l'image}, year = {2013}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Herm\`es}, author = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Introduction} }
@inproceedings{Soussen13z, editor = {Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {M\'ethodes d'inversion appliqu\'ees au traitement du signal et de l'image}, year = {2013}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Herm\`es}, author = {Charles Soussen and David Brie and Gr\'egory Francius and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Approximation parcimonieuse pour le traitement d'images force-volume en microscopie de force atomique}, chapter = {2}, pages = {31--56} }
@inproceedings{Idier08z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Introduction}, pages = {15--22} }
@inproceedings{Demoment08z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {1}, title = {Inverse Problems, Ill-posed Problems}, pages = {25--40} }
@inproceedings{Demoment08y, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {2}, title = {Main Approaches to the Regularization of Ill-posed Problems}, pages = {41--58} }
@inproceedings{Champagnat08z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Yves Goussard and St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {5}, title = {Deconvolution of Spike Trains}, pages = {117--140} }
@inproceedings{Idier08y, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Laure Blanc-F\'eraud}, chapter = {6}, title = {Deconvolution of Images}, pages = {141--167} }
@inproceedings{Idier08x, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {7}, title = {Gibbs-{M}arkov Image Models}, pages = {171--196} }
@inproceedings{Gautier08z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems}, year = {2008}, month = {{A}pr.}, publisher = {ISTE Ltd and John Wiley \& Sons Inc}, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {9}, title = {Deconvolution Applied to Ultrasonic Non-destructive Evaluation}, pages = {221--242} }
@incollection{Mabuza06, author = {Boy Raymond Mabuza and S. A. Sofianos and Moritz Braun and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Reconstruction of Seismic Impedance from Marine Seismic Data}, pages = {153--166}, booktitle = {Theoretical and Computational Acoustics}, organization = {Proc. 7th ICTCA, Hangzhou, China, 19-22 {S}ep. 2005}, month = {{O}ct.}, year = {2006}, anote = {http://www.ictca2005.com}, editor = {Alexandra Tolstoy and Er-Chang Shang and Yu-Chiung Teng}, publisher = {World Scientific}, url = {http://www.worldscibooks.com/physics/6283.html} }
@incollection{Mugnier06, author = {L. M. Mugnier and A. Blanc and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Phase Diversity: a Technique for Wave-Front Sensing and for Diffraction-Limited Imaging}, booktitle = {Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics}, publisher = {Elsevier}, pages = {1--76}, year = {2006}, editor = {Peter Hawkes}, volume = {141}, month = {{J}uly}, url = {http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/708921/description#description} }
@incollection{Demoment01, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Giovannelli and Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, title = {Probl\`emes inverses en traitement du signal et de l'image}, year = {2001}, publisher = {{T}echniques de l'{I}ng\'enieur}, address = {Paris, France}, series = {Trait\'e T\'el\'ecoms}, volume = {TE 5 235}, pages = {1--25}, url = {http://www.techniques-ingenieur.fr/affichage/DispIntro.asp?nGcmID=TE5235} }
@incollection{Idier01, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Yves Goussard and Andrea Ridolfi}, title = {Unsupervised image segmentation using a telegraph parameterization of {P}ickard random fields}, year = {2001}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, address = {New York, NY}, editor = {Marc Moore}, booktitle = {Spatial statistics: {M}ethodological Aspects and Applications}, pages = {115--140}, series = {Lecture notes in {S}tatistics}, volume = {159}, url = {http://www.springer-ny.com/detail.tpl?cart=10432552843488013&isbn=0387952403}, pdf = {pub/pubC/idier01C.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Idier01z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Introduction}, pages = {13--21} }
@inproceedings{Demoment01z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {1}, title = {Probl\`emes inverses et probl\`emes mal-pos\'es}, pages = {25--40} }
@inproceedings{Demoment01y, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {2}, title = {{R}\'egularisation d'un probl\`eme mal-pos\'e : approches g\'en\'eriques}, pages = {41--58} }
@inproceedings{Champagnat01z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Yves Goussard and St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {5}, title = {{D}\'econvolution impulsionnelle}, pages = {115--138} }
@inproceedings{Idier01y, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier and Laure Blanc-F\'eraud}, chapter = {6}, title = {{D}\'econvolution en imagerie}, pages = {139--165} }
@inproceedings{Idier01x, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {7}, title = {Mod\`eles de {G}ibbs-{M}arkov pour les images}, pages = {169--194} }
@inproceedings{Gautier01z, editor = {J\'er\^ome Idier}, booktitle = {Approche bay\'esienne pour les probl\`emes inverses}, year = {2001}, month = {{N}ov.}, publisher = {Trait\'e IC2, S\'erie traitement du signal et de l'image, Herm\`es}, address = {Paris}, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and J\'er\^ome Idier}, chapter = {9}, title = {Application de la d\'econvolution au contr\^ole non destructif par ultrasons}, pages = {219--240} }
@incollection{Carfantan00, author = {Herv\'e Carfantan and J\'er\^ome Idier and Beno\^\it Beghin and Aim\'e Meygret and Bernard Roug\'e}, title = {Statistical self-calibration of {SPOT} satellite imaging instrument}, booktitle = {Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol 568(1)}, organization = {MaxEnt Workshops}, editor = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, pages = {501--512}, address = {Gif-sur-Yvette, France}, year = {2000}, month = {{J}uly}, pdf = {pub/carfantan00.pdf}, url = {http://content.aip.org/APCPCS/v568/i1/501_1.html} }
@incollection{Ridolfi00, author = {Andrea Ridolfi and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation for univariate normal mixture distributions}, booktitle = {Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol 568(1)}, organization = {MaxEnt Workshops}, editor = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, pages = {229--237}, address = {Gif-sur-Yvette, France}, year = {2000}, month = {{J}uly}, pdf = {pub/ridolfi00.pdf}, url = {http://content.aip.org/APCPCS/v568/i1/229_1.html} }
@incollection{Demoment99, author = {Guy Demoment and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Approche bay\'esienne pour la r\'esolution des probl\`emes inverses en imagerie}, pages = {59--77}, year = {1999}, editor = {Marc Bonnet}, booktitle = {{P}robl\`emes inverses : de l'exp\'erimentation \`a la mod\'elisation}, publisher = {Observatoire fran{\c c}ais des techniques avanc\'ees}, series = {Collection Arago, vol. 22}, address = {Paris, France}, edition = {{T}ec \& {D}oc}, pdf = {pub/demoment99.pdf}, url = {http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ofta/sommaire22.htm} }
@incollection{Djafari96a, author = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {A scale invariant {B}ayesian method to solve linear inverse problems}, year = {1996}, publisher = {{{K}luwer {A}cademic {P}ublishers}}, editor = {G. Heidbreder}, pages = {121--134}, booktitle = {{M}aximum {E}ntropy and {B}ayesian {M}ethods}, pdf = {pub/djafari96a.pdf} }
@incollection{Dublanchet95a, author = {Fr\'ed\'eric Dublanchet and Patrick Duvaut and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Complex sinusoid analysis by {B}ayesian deconvolution of the discrete {F}ourier transform}, year = {1995}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publ.}, address = {Santa Fe, NM}, editor = {K. Hanson}, pages = {323--328}, series = {{M}aximum {E}ntropy and {B}ayesian {M}ethods} }
@incollection{Brette94, author = {St\'ephane Brette and J\'er\^ome Idier and Ali Mohammad-Djafari}, title = {Scale invariant {M}arkov models for {B}ayesian inversion of linear inverse problems}, year = {1994}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publ.}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, editor = {J. Skilling and S. Sibusi}, pages = {199--212}, series = {{M}aximum {E}ntropy and {B}ayesian {M}ethods}, pdf = {pub/brette94.pdf} }
@incollection{Djafari91, author = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the {L}agrange Parameters of the Maximum Entropy Distributions}, year = {1991}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publ.}, address = {Seattle, WA}, editor = {C. R. Smith and G. J. Erikson and P. O. Neudorfer}, pages = {131--140}, booktitle = {{M}aximum {E}ntropy and {B}ayesian {M}ethods} }
@incollection{Djafari90a, author = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Maximum entropy prior laws of images and estimation of their parameters}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publ.}, address = {Laramie, WY}, editor = {T. W. Grandy}, pages = {285--293}, booktitle = {{M}aximum {E}ntropy and {B}ayesian {M}ethods} }
@incollection{Djafari90b, author = {Ali Mohammad-Djafari and J\'er\^ome Idier}, title = {Maximum entropy image construction of the {G}alaxy {M51}}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publ.}, address = {Laramie, WY}, editor = {T. W. Grandy}, pages = {313--318}, booktitle = {{M}aximum {E}ntropy and {B}ayesian {M}ethods} }
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