@techreport{Dore09, title = {High precision modeling of a body part using a {3D} imaging system}, author = {Sylvie Dor\'e and Yves Goussard and J\'er\^ome Idier and Nicolas Villain}, institution = {ETS/CNRS/Polyvalor}, type = {Brevet}, number = {7636459}, address = {USA}, year = {2009}, month = {d\'ec.}, url = {http://www.freepatentsonline.com/7636459.html}, note = {enregistrement: 30/03/2003, publication: 22/12/2009} }
@techreport{Gautier02, author = {St\'ephane Gautier and J\'er\^ome Idier and Fr\'ed\'eric Champagnat and Dominique Villard}, title = {Proc\'ed\'e de mesure par ondes sonores et ultrasonores - {M}\'ethode de d\'econvolution}, institution = {EDF/CNRS}, type = {Brevet}, number = {WO02086485}, address = {France}, year = {2002}, url = {http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?IDX=WO02086485} }
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