Email: vincent (dot) ricordel (at) univ-nantes (dot) fr
- Polytech Nantes / Université de Nantes
- rue Christian Pauc La Chantrerie
- BP 50609 44306 Nantes Cedex 3
- France
Phone: +33 (0)2 40 68 30 41
Fax: +33 (0)2 40 68 32 32
Email: vincent (dot) ricordel (at) univ-nantes (dot) fr
Phone: +33 (0)2 40 68 30 41
Fax: +33 (0)2 40 68 32 32
Vincent Ricordel received the PhD degree in
Signal Processing and Telecommunication from the University of Rennes, France, in 1996.
He did a post-doct in 1997 at the Signal Processing Laboratory
of the Tampere University of Technology (TUT, Finland),
He has been, from 1998 to 2002, associate professor at the University of Toulon et du Var, France,
where he was member of the SIS (System, Information and Signal) laboratory.
In 2002, he got an associate professor position at
Polytech Nantes
(or Polytechnic School of Nantes Université).
where he joined the "Image and VideoCommunication" (IVC) group of the IRCCyN Laboratory (UMR 6597).
Since January 2017, he belongs to the "Image Perception Interaction" IPI/LS2N team
which is the new version of the IRCCyN/IVC group.
The LS2N
is a Joint Research Unit associated with CNRS (UMR 6004)
that results from the merging of the two laboratories IRCCyN and LINA.
In January 2020, he received the HDR "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches"
from University of Nantes.
His main research interest is perceptual video coding.
He participated to several ANR projects (ArchiPEG, DISSOCIE),
and one european project (ITN PROVISION).
He was the scientific coordinator of the ANR project PERSEE.
He is now implied in the european THCS RENEW project.
From 2000 up to 2002, he was the head of the SRC
"Services et Réseaux de Communication" department at
the "IUT de Toulon".
From 2011 up to 2014, he was the head of the Computer Sciences department at
Polytech Nantes.
Since 2017, he co-supervises the VICO "VIsual COmputing" option
of the
Computer Sciences Master of Nantes Université.
Since 2017, he is also co-in charge of the mission "admission" (recruitment of the students) for Polytech Nantes.
Image and Video analysis, coding