PETIOT Professeur des Universits PR1/professor Ecole Centrale de Nantes contact: Jean-Francois.Petiot@irccyn.ec-nantes.fr |
Ecole Centrale de Nantes IRCCyN 1, rue de la
No BP 92101 44321 NANTES
Cedex 03 FRANCE phone : +33 2 40 37 69 59 Fax : +33 2 40 37 69 30 http://www.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr/~petiot/ |
Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes since september 2006.
activities at Ecole Centrale de Nantes
activities at IRCCyN (Institut de
Recherche en Communications et Cyberntique de Nantes), UMR CNRS 6597.
2004 Habilitation
diriger les recherches – Conception intgre oriente client:
processus, mthodes et outils. Universit de Nantes
1993 PhD
- mechanical engineering - optimization of cycle time in robotics. Ecole
Centrale de Nantes (France)
1988 M.S
(Diplme dՎtudes approfondies). Universit Paris XII.
1984-87 Ecole
Normale Suprieure de Cachan. Agrgation de mcanique.
design, Design methodology, Sensory analysis, Human factors in systems design, Industrial
design, Kansei engineering, Musical acoustics.
methods, genetic algorithms, CAD (computer aided design), Psychophysics, Psychoacoustics,
Multidimensional data analysis, Statistical methods.
January-June 2002: Sabbatical stay at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA) in the Optimal Design Laboratory of Pr.Papalambros
January-June 2012: Sabbatical stay at the McGill University (Montreal, Canada) at the CIRMMT, Collab. with Gary Scavone and Stephen McAdams
2006-2010: Head of the Department Product engineering and industrial systems development of Ecole Centrale de Nantes
2007-2010: Supervisor of the specialisation Products development and industrial systems of Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Since 2014: Supervisor of the specialisations Perception and sound design and Science et Musique of Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Since 2005: Supervisor of the Mastre spcialis Marketing, Design and creation , in partnership with AUDENCIA Nantes.
Reviewer for several International journals and conferences:
2005 |
Responsible of the research contract Perceptive Evaluation of motor sounds. Team PEFH (Perception et facteurs humains - Vincent ROUSSARIE). Peugeot SA, Vlizy, France, 30/12/2005 - 30/10/2006. Contract NE112. |
2007 |
Responsible of the research contract Perceptual tests automotive fabrics , Team Sensory analysis, RENAULT SAS, Technocentre Guyancourt. 01/11/2007 - 01/01/2008. |
2008 |
PhD director. Convention CIFRE with the Team Perception et analyse sensorielle, RENAULT SAS, DREAM/DTAA (David BLUMENTHAL), Technocentre Guyancourt.. Sujet Robust engineering appliqu aux mthodes de lanalyse sensorielle ou comment trouver lespace produit optimal . 01/12/2008-01/12/2011. |
2009 |
PhD Director. Convention CIFRE with the CTS (Centre Technique de Simulations), RENAULT SAS, Technocentre Guyancourt.. Sujet Objectivation des prestations ESP sur simulateur de conduite . 01/01/2009 – 01/01/2012. |
2010 |
Responsible of the research contract Interactive evaluation of cars dashboards , Team Perception et analyse sensorielle, RENAULT SAS, Technocentre Guyancourt. 01/03/2010 - 06/06/2011. |
2011 |
Responsible of the
research contract Design of alarm sounds , socit Gv conseil-manutention,
27930 Guichainville. |
2011-2012 |
Responsible of the
research contract Exploration of innovations by customers , Team
Perception et analyse sensorielle, RENAULT
SAS, Technocentre Guyancourt. Du 5/09/2011 au 21/12/2012. |
2014 |
Research contract with
DCNS (Indret, Nantes) |
2015 |
Research contract with Peugeot SA, Vlizy, |
2016 |
Research contract with
CLARINS (Pontoise, France) |
At Ecole Centrale de Nantes, courses taught in French:
Customer oriented design (course 20h – Master level)
Design of Experiments (20h, master level)
Analysis of Sensory data (course 20h – Master level)
Design methodology (course 20h – Master level)
Machine elements (course, 20h – Master level)
Human factors in systems design (Course, 16h, Master level)
Physics of musical instruments (elective course, 32h, Master level)
Basics of acoustics, audio signal processing and psychoacoustics (20h)
Since 1995 with Jol Gilbert, DR CNRS LAUM (UMR CNRS
6613), Universit du Maine. Musical acoustics, brass instruments, simulation by
physical modelling.
Since 1999 with Bernard Yannou (LCGI, Ecole centrale
Paris), industrial engineering
Since 2001 with Bruno Gazengel and Jean Pierre DALMONT
LAUM (UMR CNRS 6613), Universit du Maine. Study of the perceived quality of
Since 2002 with Pr. Papalambros and the Optimal Design
Laboratory, University of Michigan, in Design Science.
Since 2003 with Ren Causse, IRCAM Paris, Perceived
quality of musical instruments.
Since 2003 with Jean Pierre Mathieu, Pr AUDENCIA, Nantes.
Since 2004 with Anne Guenand, Mcf Universit de
Technologie de Compigne, in industrial design.
Since 2010 with Pr. H. Aoyama, KEIO University, Japan.
Since 2012 with Gary Scavone and Stephen McAdams, CIRMMT,
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Name - Subject |
Partners |
Mathieu DELANGLE (2012 - 4 mai 2016) La ralit
virtuelle en conception universelle. Doctorant MENESR |
Robin TOURNEMENNE (2013 - ) Simulations
sonores par modle physique pour lacoustique virtuelle et la conception.
Application aux instruments de musique vent. Doctorant MENESR |
LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, Le Mans |
Grgoire LAFAY (2013 - ) Analyse et
synthse de scnes sonores environnementales. Doctorant MENESR |
Jrme IDIER, equipe ADTSI, IRCCYN, |
Alberto MUNOZ ( 2013 - ) Etude de
la qualit danches de saxophones. Doctorant MENESR |
Remi GLOAGUEN (2015 - ) Identification
du bruit du trafic routier au sein dun environnement sonore urbain. thse
LAGRANGE, IRCCyN, Nantes Arnaud
1. J-F. Petiot, B. Yannou Measuring consumer
perceptions for a better comprehension, specification and assessment of product
semantics. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Vol 33/6 pp
507-525, 2004.
2. E. Poirson, J-F Petiot, J. Gilbert.
Study of the brightness of trumpet tones. Journal of the Acoustic Society of
America, Vol. 118(4), October 2005. pp 2656-2666.
3. J-F. Petiot, S. Grognet. Product
design: A vectors field based approach for preference modelling. Journal of
Engineering Design, Vol. 17, No. 3, June 2006, pp217-233. ISSN 0954-4828.
4. E. Poirson, J-F Petiot, J. Gilbert.
Integration of user-perceptions in the design process: application to musical
instrument optimisation. Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.129, No.12, December
2007, pp1206-1214.
5. J-F Petiot, C. Salvo, I. Hossoy, P. Papalambros,
R. Gonzalez A cross-cultural study of users craftsmanship perceptions in
vehicle interior design. International Journal of Product Development, Vol. 7,
Nos. 1/2, 2009, pp28-46.
6. Poirson E., Petiot J-F., Richard F. A
method for perceptual evaluation of products by naive subjects: Application to
car engine sounds. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 40,
Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 504-516.
7. Guyon H., Petiot J.-F. (2011) Market share
predictions: a new model with rating-based conjoint analysis, International
Journal of Market Research. IJMR Vol. 53(6), pp 831-857. DOI :
8. Kelly, Jarod C., Maheut, Pierre , Petiot,
Jean-Franois and Papalambros, Panos Y. Incorporating user shape preference in
engineering design optimisation, Journal of Engineering Design, vol 22, issue9,
September 2011, pp 627 650.
9. Petiot J-F. Dagher A. Preference-oriented
form design: application to cars headlights. Int. J. Interact. Des. Manuf.
(2011). Vol.5, 17-27. DOI 10.1007/s12008-010-0105-5
10. Denoual T., Mars F., Petiot J-F., Reymond
G., Kemeny A. Drivers perception of loss of adherence in bends: influence of
motion rendering. Journal of Computing And Information Science In Engineering.
Vol. 11, Issue 4, 041004 (2011).
11. Lu W., Petiot J-F. A sound-based protocol
to study product emotions. International Journal of Product Development. Vol.
16, N 3/4, pp 207-224, 2012.
12. Poirson E., Petiot J-F., Boivin L.,
Blumenthal D. Eliciting User Perceptions Using Assessment tests based on an
Interactive Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 135, Issue3,
031004 -1-16 March 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.4023282.
13. Petiot J-F., Gilbert J. Comparison of
trumpets' sounds played by a musician or simulated by physical modeling. Acta
Acustica united wih Acustica. Vol. 99, (2013), 629-641. DOI 10.3813/AAA.918642.
14. Eveno P., Petiot J-F., Gilbert J., Kieffer
B., Causs R. The relationship between resonances frequencies and playing
frequencies in trumpets. Acta Acustica united wih Acustica. 03/2014. Vol.
100(2), 362-374.
15. Guyon H., Petiot J.-F. (2015) New conjoint
approaches to scaling brand equity and optimising share of preference
prediction, International Journal of Market Research. IJMR , Vol. 57, Issue 5,
pp 701-725, 2015.
16. Gazengel B., Dalmont J-P., Petiot J-F. Link
between objective and subjective characterizations of Bb clarinet reeds.
Applied Acoustics Volume 106, may 2016, pp 155-
Delangle M.,
Petiot J-F., Poirson E. Using motion capture to study human standing
accessibility: comparison between physical experiment, static model and virtual
ergonomic evaluations. International Journal on Interactive Design and
Manufacturing (IJIDeM), (2016), 1-10. DOI : 10.1007/s12008-016-0304-9.
Petiot J-F, Kersaudy P., Scavone G., MacAdams S.,
Gazengel B. Modeling of the subjective quality of saxophone reeds. The journal
of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 133, N5, Pt.2 of 2, May 2013.
Proceeding of ICA 2013, Montreal, Quebec, 2-7 June 2013.
R. Causse, P. Eveno, J. Gilbert, J-F Petiot. What can we
deduce from measured resonance frequencies of trumpets concerning playing
frequencies. The journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 133, N5,
Pt.2 of 2, May 2013. Proceeding of ICA 2013, Montreal, Quebec, 2-7 June 2013.
Petiot J-F, Kersaudy P., Scavone G., MacAdams S. Study of
the perceived quality of saxophone reeds by a panel of musicians. Proceedings
of SMAC 2013, Stockholm, August 2013.
Petiot J-F., Kristensen B.G., Maier A.M. How should an electric
vehicle sound ? User and expert perception. Proceedings
of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences &Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE
2013, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Poirson E., Da Cunha C., Petiot
J-F. Can we categorize moviegoers on their emotions? Proceedings of KEER 2014, International
conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, Linkping, Sweden, June
11-13 2014.
Petiot J-F., Cervantes F., Boivin L. An interactive
genetic algorithm for the study of product semantics. Proceedings
of KEER 2014, International conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research,
Linkping, Sweden, June 11-13 2014.
Lafay, G and Rossignol, M and Misdariis, N and
Lagrange, M and Petiot J-F. A New Experimental
Approach for Urban Soundscape Characterization Based on Sound Manipulation : A
Pilot Study. Proceedings of ISMA 2014, Le Mans, France,
Juillet 2014.
Petiot J-F., Le Vey G. Graph-based model optimization of
wind instruments. Preliminary results. Proceedings of
ISMA 2014, Le Mans, France, Juillet 2014.
Tournemenne Robin, Petiot
Jean-Franois, Gilbert Jol. Study of perceived differences between simulated
and real trumpet sounds. Proceedings of ISMA 2014, Le Mans, France, Juillet
Lu Weihua, Petiot J-F.
Investigation on A Non-Verbal Emotion Assessment Tool in Cross-Cultural
Context. Proceedings of ISASE 2015 International Symposium on Affective Science
and Engineering, March 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
Petiot J-F., Cervantes Chavez
F., Boivin L. A comparison of conjoint analysis and interactive genetic
algorithms for the study of product semantics. Proceedings of ICED 2015, July
2015, Milano, Italy. Best paper Award.
Delangle M., Petiot J-F.,
Poirson E. Assessing the differences between numerical methods, CAD evaluations
and real experiments for the assessement of reach envelopes of the human body.
Proceedings of ICED 2015, July 2015, Milano, Italy
Artificial mouths for brass instruments
Captor for the measurement of the force
applied on the mouthpiece during brass playing
Design and optimization of an artificial
marine conch
See: http://www.youtube