Benoît PARREIN@work
Associate Professor, Nantes Université/LS2N

surface mail:
Polytech Nantes
rue Christian Pauc
BP50609 – 44306 Nantes cedex 3

e-mail: benoit
phone: +33 (0)
office: D102, Polytech Nantes

Short bio (in few dates)

09/2022    Sabbatical year at University of York, UK in the Institute for Safe Autonomy (Underwater Information Systems research group)

01/2022    End of RIO. Integration in STR  (Real Time System) at LS2N Lab

01/2017    New research team: RIO (Networks for Internet of Things) at LS2N Lab

06/2015    Defense of my 'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches' (HDR), University of Nantes

04/2010    Visiting researcher at Monash University (School of Physics), Melbourne, Australia

09/2004    Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at Polytech Nantes, University of Nantes

12/2002    Post-doctoral position at Paris Sud Telecom (medical imaging interaction over low bit rate networks)

11/2001    PhD in Computer Science about Multiple Description Coding by Mojette Transform (University of Nantes, France)

09/1998    Master degree in Medical Imaging and Signals (from University of Angers, France)

02/1975    Birth in Normandy



Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT), acoustic underwater sensor networks (UASN), Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), computer networks, mobile ad hoc networks, networks of robots, Internet of Things, error control coding, machine learning for networks and systems

Main Projects

Blue IoT Eolia (Région Pays de la Loire), Sept 2019 - June 2022 (24 mois): Underwater networks to monitor offshore wind turbine fields, Partners: Kopadia (lead), LS2N, SEM-REV (Centrale Nantes).

COWIN (RFI ATL 2020 and Wise Grant), Sept 2018 - Sept 2021 (36 months): COgnitive Wireless networks for Industrial applicatioNs, Partners: LS2N, IETR (Guillaume Andrieux, SysCom team).

FEC4Cloud (ANR Grant, 12-EMMA-0031-01), Jan. 2013 – June 2015 (30 months) : new erasure codes for distributed storage architecture. Partners: IRCCyN (head), ISAE (with Jérôme Lacan), SATT Ouest Valorisation, Rozo Systems. Project coordinator. More details here.

P2PWeb (Région Pays de Loire / OSEO Grant), March 2010 – Dec. 2012 (30 months) : hybrid model (client-server and P2P) for a new web browsing. Application to live video streaming (P2PWeb-Live). Partners: TMG (head), LINA (with Patricia Serrano-Alvarado), IRCCyN. It is now EasyBroadcast (a startup hosted in Nantes).

SEREADMO (ANR-RNRT Grant, ANR-05-RNRT-0028), Sept. 2006 – Nov. 2009 (36 months) : secure routing for mobile ad hoc networks. Partners: Thales (head with Eric Grall), XLIM-SIC (University of Poitiers), Keosys, IRCCyN. Main results MP-OLSR (now RFC8218 at IETF).

Selected Publications       

                Benoît Parrein, Fekher Khelifi, François Babin, Thierry Grousset, Jean-Marc Rousset, et al.. Underwater acoustic sensor network to monitor floating offshore wind: SEM-REV sea trials. IEEE OCEANS 2024, Jun 2023, Limerick, Ireland. ⟨hal-04190985⟩

                Benoît Parrein, Nils Morozs, Laurent Toutain. An internet protocol adaptation layer for underwater acoustic networks. Forum Acusticum 2023, Sep 2023, Turin, Italy. ⟨hal-04192238⟩

                Ons Aouedi, Kandaraj Piamrat, Benoît Parrein. Ensemble-based Deep Learning model for network traffic classification. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE, 2022, pp.1-12. ⟨10.1109/TNSM.2022.3193748⟩. ⟨hal-03736603⟩
                Hussein Mroue, Benoît Parrein, Sofiane Hamrioui, Przemyslaw Bakowski, Abbass Nasser, et al.. LoRa+: An extension of LoRaWAN protocol to reduce infrastructure costs by improving the Quality of Service. Internet of Things, Elsevier, 2020, 9, pp.100176. ⟨10.1016/j.iot.2020.100176⟩. ⟨hal-02491408⟩

                Q-routing: from the algorithm to the routing protocol. Alexis Bitaillou, Benoît Parrein, Guillaume Andrieux. Second IFIP International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking, Dec 2019, Paris, France (link).

                Data Location Management Protocol for Object Stores in a Fog Computing Infrastructure, B. Confais, B. Parrein, A. Lebre. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management ; Ed. IEEE, July 2019 (link).

               Multipath Extension for the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2 (OLSRv2). Jiazi Yi, Benoît Parrein. RFC 8218, Category Experimental, WG MANET, IETF. August 2017.

More on HAL, (Google Scholar)...

PhD Students


Julien BEURRIER (CIFRE, Grolleau SAS, starting in September 2022), co-advised with Christophe Josset and Yann Favennec from LTEN topic: optimisation of the cooling systems for small data center


02/12/2022 - Ons AOUEDI (MESR funds, starting in September 2019), co-advised with Kandaraj Piamrat-Lerebours (LS2N), topic: machine learning for traffic classification and software-defined networking (now at SnT, Université du Luxembourg).

15/09/2021 - Alexis BITAILLOU (Région Pays de la Loire funding, COWIN Project), co-advised with Guillaume Andrieux (IETR), Topic: Cognitive wireless networks for industrial applications
(now at Inatysco, Nantes).

03/12/2019 - Maxime MROUE (CIFRE Spie City Networks starting in November 2016), co-advised with Eduardo Motta-Cruz and Sofiane Hamrioui from IETR, Topic: Heterogeneous wireless networks in Smart Cities (now at SIEML at Angers, France).

10/07/2018 - Bastien CONFAIS (CNRS fellowship starting in October 2015), co-advised with Adrien Lebre. Topic: Data sharing in a Fog computing infrastructure (now at Inatysco, Nantes).

22/04/2016 - Dimitri PERTIN (CIFRE with Rozo Systems starting in April 2013), co-advised with Nicolas Normand. Topic: Discrete geometrical erasure coding for the Cloud storage (now at Akeneo, Nantes).

27/09/2012 - Dan RADU, co-advised by Adina Astilean from Cluj-Napoca Technical University (Romania). Efficient communication strategies for mobile ad hoc networks (now at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

09/11/2010 - Jiazi YI, co-advised with Jeanpierre Guédon. Multiple paths routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (now at Huawei, Paris).

12/02/2010 - Fadi BOULOS, co-advised with Patrick Lecallet. Audiovisual traffic with QoE: error characterization, associated discomfort and protection mechanisms.

Post-doctoral fellows

Fekher Khelifi  recruited on Blue IoT Eolia project for underwater ad hoc networks), now at EDF, Nantes, France.

Asmaa ADNANE (security on ad hoc networks), now Senior Lecturer at University of Derby, UK.

Majd GHAREEB (video over P2P networks), now at Lebanese International University, Lebanon.

Alexandre VAN KEMPEN (erasure code and distributed storage) now at Qarnot Computing.

Dan RADU (video transport over MP-OLSR), now at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Roumania.

Events and Editorial boards

Editorial board member: Elsevier Journal of "Internet of Things; Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems". Editor in Chief: Fatos XHAFA from Univertitat Politechnica de Catalunya, Spain (Q1, Impact Factor 5.9).

        Organizer: Journées RSD 2020 (at LS2N, Nantes), Rescom 2017 Summer School (at Le Croisic, France), OCEANEXT 2024 (underwater acoustic session)

TPC member: ICCVE 2013, 2014, TAPEMS 2016, ICA3PP 2016, ICFEC 2017, IOV 2018, ICIN 2020, ICC'20 NGNI 2020

TPC Chair: Cores 2024

Teaching (some examples of courses)

Networks: example of one course (in French) given at Polytech Nantes, SRT department (L3 level): "Réseaux, Internet et Routage"

Cryptography: one course (in French) given at Polytech Nantes, Computer Sciences department (M1 level): "Cryptographie et systèmes sécurisés"

Sustainable digital: one conference (in French) at Polytech Nantes, all departements (L3 level): under construction

Out of work

Sailing (2 transatlantics), diving (instructor), drums.

I am also on Linkedin, ResearchGate, Google Scholar,...

Last Update January, 15, 2024