Evgeny Gurevsky

Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) in Computer Science
Deputy Head of the Department of Computer Science, University of Nantes
Deputy Head of the MODELIS Group, LS2N

Internship Coordinator for the International Master Program "Optimization in Operations Research"

Master Internship Proposal 2025 : Benders decomposition for robust balancing of production lines

2 rue de la Houssinière, 44300 Nantes, France
+33 (0)2 76 64 50 10

Short Bio

Research Interests

  • Multi-Objective Optimization
  • Optimization with Controllable Data
  • Robust Optimization and Stochastic Programming
  • OR Applications in Production, Manufacturing and Energy

Journal Papers

  1. Yelles-Chaouche A.R., Gurevsky E., Brahimi N., Dolgui A.
    Optimizing modular equipment in the design of multi-product reconfigurable production lines
    Computers & Industrial Engineering, 192: 110226, 2024 (Elsevier)
  2. Brauner N., Gurevsky E., Kovalyov M.Y.
    A single representative min-max-min robust selection problem with alternatives and budgeted uncertainty
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 349: 106-112, 2024 (Elsevier)
  3. Shibasaki R.S., Rossi A., Gurevsky E.
    A new upper bound based on Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition to maximize the stability radius of a simple assembly line under uncertainty
    European Journal of Operational Research, 313(3): 1015-1030, 2024 (Elsevier)
  4. Gurevsky E., Kopelevich D., Kovalev S., Kovalyov M.Y.
    Integer knapsack problems with profit functions of the same value range
    4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 21(3): 405-419, 2023 (Springer)
  5. Tremblet D., Yelles-Chaouche A.R., Gurevsky E., Brahimi N., Dolgui A.
    Optimizing task reassignments for reconfigurable multi-model assembly lines with unknown order of product arrival
    Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 67: 190-200, 2023 (Elsevier)
  6. Yelles-Chaouche A.R., Gurevsky E., Brahimi N., Dolgui A.
    Minimizing task reassignments under balancing multi-product reconfigurable manufacturing lines
    Computers & Industrial Engineering, 173: 108660, 2022 (Elsevier)
  7. Gurevsky E., Rasamimanana A., Pirogov A., Dolgui A., Rossi A.
    Stability factor for robust balancing of simple assembly lines under uncertainty
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 318: 113-132, 2022 (Elsevier)
  8. Gurevsky E., Kopelevich D., Kovalev S., Kovalyov M.Y.
    Min-sum controllable risk problems with concave risk functions of the same value range
    Networks, 79(1): 105-116, 2022 (Wiley)
  9. Schepler X., Rossi A., Gurevsky E., Dolgui A.
    Solving robust bin-packing problems with a branch-and-price approach
    European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3): 831-843, 2022 (Elsevier)
  10. Yelles-Chaouche A.R., Gurevsky E., Brahimi N., Dolgui A.
    Reconfigurable manufacturing systems from an optimization perspective: a focused review of literature
    International Journal of Production Research, 59(21): 6400-6418, 2021 (Taylor & Francis)
  11. Gurevsky E., Kovalev S., Kovalyov M.Y.
    Min-max controllable risk problems
    4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 19(1): 93-101, 2021 (Springer)
  12. Pirogov A., Gurevsky E., Rossi A., Dolgui A.
    Robust balancing of transfer lines with blocks of uncertain parallel tasks under fixed cycle time and space restrictions
    European Journal of Operational Research, 290(3): 946-955, 2021 (Elsevier)
  13. Rossi A., Gurevsky E., Battaïa O., Dolgui A.
    Maximizing the robustness for simple assembly lines with fixed cycle time and limited number of workstations
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 208: 123-136, 2016 (Elsevier)
  14. Gurevsky E., Hazır Ö., Battaïa O., Dolgui A.
    Robust balancing of straight assembly lines with interval task times
    Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64(11): 1607-1613, 2013 (Palgrave Macmillan)
  15. Battaïa O., Gurevsky E., Makssoud F., Dolgui A.
    Equipment location in machining transfer lines with multi-spindle heads
    Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research, 12(2): 117-133, 2013 (Springer)
  16. Gurevsky E., Battaïa O., Dolgui A.
    Stability measure for a generalized assembly line balancing problem
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161(3): 377-394, 2013 (Elsevier)
  17. Gurevsky E., Battaïa O., Dolgui A.
    Balancing of simple assembly lines under variations of task processing times
    Annals of Operations Research, 201(1): 265-286, 2012 (Springer)
  18. Guschinskaya O., Gurevsky E., Dolgui A., Eremeev A.
    Metaheuristic approaches for the design of machining lines
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 55(1-4): 11-22, 2011 (Springer)
  19. Emelichev V.A., Gurevsky E.E., Kuzmin K.G.
    On stability of some lexicographic integer optimization problem
    Control and Cybernetics, 39(3): 811-826, 2010
  20. Emelichev V.A., Gurevsky E.E., Platonov A.A.
    On stability and quasi-stability radii for a vector combinatorial problem with a parametric optimality principle
    Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, (60): 55-61, 2009
  21. Gurevskii E.E., Emelichev V.A.
    On five types of stability of the lexicographic variant of the combinatorial bottleneck problem
    Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 19(4): 337-348, 2009 (Walter de Gruyter)
  22. Emelichev V.A., Gurevskii E.E.
    On the regularization of vector integer quadratic programming problems
    Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 45(2): 274-280, 2009 (Springer)
  23. Gurevsky E.E., Emelichev V.A.
    Postoptimal analysis of a vector partition problem with ordered criteria
    Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Belarus, 16(2): 14-22, 2008 (in Russian)
  24. Emelichev V.A., Gurevsky E.E.
    On stability kernel of a multicriteria combinatorial minimax problem
    Discrete Analysis and Operations Research, 15(5): 6-19, 2008 (in Russian)
  25. Emelichev V.A., Gurevskii E.E.
    Stability of a combinatorial vector partition problem
    Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 43(3): 462-465, 2007 (Springer)
  26. Emelichev V.A., Gurevsky E.E.
    Linear convolution of criteria in the vector p-center problem
    Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, (53): 73-82, 2007
  27. Emelichev V.A., Gurevsky E.E., Platonov A.A.
    Measure of stability for a finite cooperative game with a generalized concept of equilibrium
    Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, (52): 17-26, 2006

Research Data


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