PHP Pregroup Parser

© 2007, 2008, by D. Béchet, A. Foret and E. Garel
Denis dot Bechet at univ-nantes dot fr
Annie dot Foret at irisa dot fr
Emmanuelle dot Garel at irisa dot fr

The PHP Pregroup Parser is an implementation of a parser for pregroup grammars that is written in PHP. Thus it can be easy installed on a web server and be used with a simple connection to Internet.


A pregoup grammar is a syntactical model introduced by J. Lambek. It is completely lexicallized: each word is associated to a set of categories (we say types) that sets the combinatory propreties of this words with the other words. Here is an example of an analyses:

The input string is "whom does he see ?". The grammar (using a lexicon) associates the following types to each word:
whom q-bar oll sl
does q1 il π3l
he π3
see i ol
? 1

Last update: 2008-06-20