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Corpus "CorpusCDGFr-devel-GS" (Analysis 1596)

CID CID-20100709-115243-DBR01
Directory pub-fr-v3.4
Title in English (default) CorpusCDGFr-devel-GS
Comment in English (default) Sentences used to develop the CDGFr.
Various origins.
Title in French (optional)
Comment in French (optional)

List of corpora:

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All CDGFr 3.4 GS Corpora  pub-fr-v3.4  3139 sentences No Text Download Statistics
CorpusCDGFr-devel-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  1995 sentences 1 Text (95093 bytes) Download Statistics
ZolaGerminal-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  100 sentences 1 Text (15013 bytes) Download Statistics
VoyageCeline-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  91 sentences 1 Text (8412 bytes) Download Statistics
CamusStrainger-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  319 sentences 1 Text (25345 bytes) Download Statistics
LeClezio-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  528 sentences 1 Text (47160 bytes) Download Statistics
Universe-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  64 sentences 1 Text (9260 bytes) Download Statistics
Nantes-Passion1-GS  pub-fr-v3.4  42 sentences 1 Text (5558 bytes) Download Statistics

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