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Configuration Machines Formalism
Keywords: Formal methods integration, Multifacetted Systems Specification, Concurrency
Configuration Machines Formalism is a formalism to specify multifaceted systems: data, functional, behaviour and global structuration are some of the facets. The originality of the formalism compared with existing ones wich combine for example model-based approach and process algebra are: the use of simple fundamental concepts (Logics, State Machines) allowing capability of integrating different kinds of methods, the use of  operational semantics as a glue to formally integrate data and behaviour, the simplicity of expression and the overall expressivity of the formalism. 

The formalism  is originally proposed as a technique to specify interactive and graphical systems and was based on the use of abstract data types, dynamic logics, structural operational semantics and transition systems. 
Within this technique, we consider that any system can be described through the set of configurations by which it transits during its execution. Each configuration is characterized by different information: the objects manipulated by the system, the events on which the system reacts, the rules defining objects manipulation, the environment of the system including graphical aspects and communication devices.  By multifaceted systems we mean systems where the facets such as data (simple or complex), functional (operations on data), behaviour (with concurrency or not, distributed or not) are present. The formalism uses basic fundamentals concepts, simplicity (access to nonspecialists), readability, expressiveness. 

As done with the model of state machine, to describe the behaviour of a system, we have to describe its evolution from the initial configuration and for each control event. There are two main aspects, the static one which corresponds to the description of a configuration and the dynamic one which is the description of the evolution from one configuration to another. 
A system can be  made of several independent subsystems interacting to achieve the functionalities of the system. The environment in which a system will evolve is a main factor for it specification and development. In this approach we always consider the environment in which any given system should be specified. An entire specification is organized around machines. 
The notion of machines is strongly related to that of state machines and abstract machines. It implies the step by step evolving through time. 


C. Attiogbé, Mechanization of an Integrated Approach: Shallow Embedding into SAL/PVS,  ICFEM'02, IEEE, October 2002, Shangai, China

C. Attiogbé, Formal Methods Integration for Software Development: Some Locks and Outlines,
RR 00.8, (Rapport de Recherche) Juilet 2000, France

C. Attiogbé, Système de controle d'accès : une spécification à base des machines à configurations,
AFADL'2000, Janvier 2000, Grenoble, France

C. Attiogbé, Génération de code Promela pour la simulation et la vérification,
ICSSEA'99, Int. Conf. Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications, December 1999, Paris, FR
Paper (.ps) [in french],   Slides [in english]

C. Attiogbé, Specifying The Dagstuhl Light Control System by Configuration Machines,
RR - IRIN, December 1998

C. Attiogbé, A simple formalism For Specifying Multifaceted Systems,
RR 181-IRIN, July 1998

Configuration Machines are first translated into a Abstract Transition Systems (Abstract Syntax)
Then, from this Abstract Transition Systems the input formats of various existing tools are computed (with more or less success ;)  ).
This enable one to use Configuration within various frameworks
  • Translator to Promela in order to use SPIN
  • Translator to Z in order to use Z/EVES
  • Translator to SAL in order to use SAL/PVS, SALENV
  • Translator to Event-B 
  • ...

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 2, rue de la Hussinière BP 92298 
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